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This site lately,leaves alot to be desired.

I believe Zim is stirring the kettle,and,whining to whoever,about whatever.

If this board is going to turn into a Zim board,and the owner has his/her reasons for letting a troll/disruptor,via money,loves BS,loves web hits etc......please let me know. I'll concentrate my online spa/hot-tub forum viewing and posting,elsewhere.




This site lately,leaves alot to be desired.

I believe Zim is stirring the kettle,and,whining to whoever,about whatever.

If this board is going to turn into a Zim board,and the owner has his/her reasons for letting a troll/disruptor,via money,loves BS,loves web hits etc......please let me know. I'll concentrate my online spa/hot-tub forum viewing and posting,elsewhere.



Ok since there is no new costco/hydro spa debate let me jump in here.....

These kinds of post I find almost as annoying as the P O R N ones that appear on the forum. I find this site to be rather well rounded. Who cares if Zim or Jim or Tim whines about everything...arent you whining now???

my 2 cents


Ok since there is no new costco/hydro spa debate let me jump in here.....

These kinds of post I find almost as annoying as the P O R N ones that appear on the forum. I find this site to be rather well rounded. Who cares if Zim or Jim or Tim whines about everything...arent you whining now???

my 2 cents

I don't mind the **** spam. It get's cleaned up pretty quick, and the bogus threads are easy to spot for what they are. Jim's post propagate false claims, wrongly attack the credibility of others, damages the industry as a whole as well as the integrity of the baord. Jynk science, lies, threats and lame marketing. No thanks.

Beautiful naked women gratuitously displaying thier curvacious taut flesh bothers you, but an insane lying sales cheat using the forum to try and drive business his way doesn't?



I don't mind the **** spam. It get's cleaned up pretty quick, and the bogus threads are easy to spot for what they are. Jim's post propagate false claims, wrongly attack the credibility of others, damages the industry as a whole as well as the integrity of the baord. Jynk science, lies, threats and lame marketing. No thanks.

Beautiful naked women gratuitously displaying thier curvacious taut flesh bothers you, but an insane lying sales cheat using the forum to try and drive business his way doesn't?


First, Jim is what Jim is...I cant change it, I dont care and to be honest its all over this board in many threads...but to come start a thread based on one individual is kind of a personal attach and I thought that was against the forum rules.

As far as P O R N I dont need to find it on this site to know where to get it. Most of the links you click on are designed to get you on a site and if you arent protected wil hose your computer by running scripts or highjack your browser. I said links to P O R N bother me...not Beautiful naked women gratuitously displaying thier curvacious taut flesh......another example of not listen to what I say.

Surf P O R N safely article


I must add... this forum is waaaay better than it used to be and for me, that means the credibility has increased. Those of you who have been around from the beggining know what I'm talking about. People today are more educated, and have tons of researching capabilities at their fingertips. If something sounds outlandish- it is REALLY easy to check it out, verify statements, do comparisons... yada, yada- and all at the tips of your fingers.

Credibility as defined by the web: (more than 1000 results in under 2 seconds)

# the trustworthiness (credentials, education, experience, etc.) of an author.

# defined by Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary as the quality or power of inspiring belief. When applied to an information source, credibility centres on three factors: opportunity (is the source in a position to know?) ability (does the source have the skill and competence?) dependability (is the source responsible and trustworthy?).

# An improvement of credibility is considered to be the same as confidence building or providing quality to the customer.

# The audience’s perception of whether a speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic.

I have faith that most people can take our written words (anyone posting in here is considered an "author" of some sorts in my opinion) with a grain of salt. If anything doesn't seem to match up or isn't written with integrity- it's easy to check it out. The moderators have been doing a fine job of keeping out the nasty smutt. The rest of the posts are simply opinions that should be verified- not just blindly believed.

I particularly liked the definition which states opportunity, ability, and dependability. Something for all of us to keep in mind at all times don't you think?


as a bit of a newbie to this site who reads more than he posts, I do find alot of threads are hijacked not only by Jim, several other users who just seem to dig and argue with him.

Whilst I do NOT agree with Jims self indulgent posts I believe it is better to simply ignore it and eventually it will go away, rather than having multiple emails backwaards and forwards with Jim, destroying/hijacking the origional thread. :wacko:

I think it would turn off alot of new comers to this fourm.

my 2 cents.


I totally agree on this...I have actually stopped reading a thread because of having to listen to all the bickering back and forth about Jim and destroying/hijacking the original thread.


I totally agree on this...I have actually stopped reading a thread because of having to listen to all the bickering back and forth about Jim and destroying/hijacking the original thread.

This is a great point. More often than not, a certain comment will be made to instigate foolishness... and simply by responding, "defending", bickering, insulting- the instigator has won the battle by starting it. The instigator will gain momentum by feeding off the energy of upsetting and disarming the opponent. When people allow themselves to be upset by antagonistic comments, they loose their own credibility by loosing their cool and partaking in the banter. Meanwhile, we all loose a little face by the folks reading this "stuff" while trying to get educated about an important spa decision.

I asked my girl (8 yrs old now) the other day how she would stop people from fighting and arguing. Her simple but wise comment was "By using nice words and listening".

things would be better for everyone if we didn't loose our cool or our self control. After all, all we have to represent ourselves in here are the words we write. It's probly a good idea to write "nice" words like my daughter shared with me... even when dissagreeing. This way- you keep your own credibility while allowing others to dig their own hole if they so choose. No pointing fingers + practice personal integrity= credibility. yes?

Still.... it is better than it used to be.


Since dictionary definitions are being used in this thread already, I suggest those of you mentioning "taunt flesh" look up the definition of "taunt".

I think the word you're looking for is "taut."

Otherwise, what you're saying is that the beautiful naked women are making fun of you...


Since dictionary definitions are being used in this thread already, I suggest those of you mentioning "taunt flesh" look up the definition of "taunt".

I think the word you're looking for is "taut."

Otherwise, what you're saying is that the beautiful naked women are making fun of you...

I sort of agree with Auto on this but I do believe someone with the credibility of the person in question is also not worth any extra seconds of my time other than to protect potential consumers from his sales gauntlet.

So I guess I take the side of both in this case and am going to sit up on this fence proudly. With my clothes on.


I believe it is better to simply ignore it and eventually it will go away, rather than having multiple emails backwaards and forwards with Jim, destroying/hijacking the origional thread. :wacko:

I think it would turn off alot of new comers to this fourm.

my 2 cents.

Like many others, I thought the same thing...several years ago.

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