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It's Time For A Vote

Dr. Spa

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Yes that's right. The members of this community should be allowed to vote on this. Without mentioning the members name, here are the options (please ONLY respond with your choice of ONE word, listed below in bold, anything else, and the post will be deleted).

Allow to continue posting and let the moderators continue to delete the majority of his posts.

Moderate and let the moderators decide whether or not to allow each individual post to show up.

Ban all together as he has nothing of importance to add and is simply being argumentative.

Please only vote once, and no ballot box stuffing............... as tempting as it might be

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Or charge the individual for babysitting fees with every moderated post. :rolleyes:

Is this for Jim or Paint? :wacko: Either way, my vote still stands! :P

If I can only choose one answer I'll go with Steve's though in reality I'd have to say ALL 3 with the moderator escalating it at his discretion:

First you ALLOW and warn,

Then you MODERATE and let them know that is 2 strikes,

Then you BAN, goodbye, strike 3, adios.

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Not sure who you want to ban but generally it's a bad idea to arbitrarily ban someone because you don't like what they say. Better to establish fair posting guidelines and make everyone follow the same rules. If someone refuses to follow the rules, then ban them.. If you want to ban someone for posting repetitive posts that you find annoying, then ban the guy who has posted 130+ times about how much he doesn't like a hot tub that he bought and ban the guy who's posted 100+ times about the reasons why he does not like a particular tub that he decided not to buy.

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Due to this individual's lack of intelligent comments, insulting behavior towards anyone with an opposing opinion, lack of honesty, avoidance of a couple of direct questions I posed to him (which would have exposed him as a fraud), and his desire to only bash the private spa dealer network, I would wholeheartedly recommend that he be ...........

BANNED !!!!!!

I only take this hard line stance because he has misrepresented much of what I have said in addition to others. I, along with others like Steve, have tried to "go along with his game" of circular debates, but he has failed to show good faith and in my opinion, only has an agenda to bring attention to the Costco/Hydrospa product. I believe this blatant attempt of "advertising" a product is against the rules of the forum and therefore, he has sacrificed his privilege of being able to post any longer.

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Due to this individual's lack of intelligent comments, insulting behavior towards anyone with an opposing opinion, lack of honesty, avoidance of a couple of direct questions I posed to him (which would have exposed him as a fraud), and his desire to only bash the private spa dealer network, I would wholeheartedly recommend that he be ...........

BANNED !!!!!!

It used to be simple to figure out who we were talking about when this subject comes up but nowadays...

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when i saw this thread, i wonder who was baing talked about, considering I'm new here.

Running under the assumption that the mods have an issue with a certain person, this thread was started, hence my vote of moderate. I don't need to know who its about.

The mods shouldn't have to babysit anyone in a forum comprised of adults. (how many minors buy a spa at any cost...).

Funny, within a minute of my vote, i received a PM from, i assume the person in question, and it was followed by 3 or 4 more in rapid fire arguing my vote. Thank god this isn't a politcal forum, where some whacko might wanna hunt you down for voting wrong for President. How dare somone argue my opinion of sound mind and experience, therfore, i had informed him and subsequently banned him on my buddies list from PM'ing me.

Next they will demand to know what they did, want you to show them just what rules they broke, and til the end of time, will push it to the very limit and even past it now and then, and finally scream prejudice when a ban is implimented.

Another unrelated forum that I am part of, just had to go through this same stuff with 5 ppl, and votes were cast, spam was flung, and in the end a light temporary ban was implimented, 1 week, and secretly, those who tried to circumvent the ban, eg. log in a new callsign from work --etc, recieved a 6 month ban.

The one who threatened legal action to retrieve his posts claiming to be his/her property, was banned permanently. The other 4 could not help themselves and received the 6 month ban. I would hate to see some certain subnets banned to prove a point, that may limit another's ligitimate use of this forum.

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This is what an individual (like the one this thread is about) will do to a forum if not banned.

I concur. Paint even threatened the security of my computer with this PM;


The first line is still a bit of a mystery to me in what he was trying to get across though. {scratching head} I haven't been unemployed since I was 14 but he seems to know something I don't? ;)

Children like this need to be sent to their room without supper and have their computer privileges taken away. If his Mommy & Daddy won't do it...at least we can.


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This is tough to answer lol. If you're referring to the self proclaimed spa lord of the universe..........He's entertaining,at his expense of looking like an idiot at times.

He also crosses the line on average,1 out of 3+ posts.

I would ban him if he is truly a detriment to this site,and causes more harm than good. As I previously mentioned,he adds a unique/bizzare flair to the boards, I and others would miss his posts/thinking.

It's a toss-up as far as I'm concerned

P.S. ... Food for thought...... Of all the dealers/salespeople...... Is there anyone out there that even remotely resembles this person,in an online setting/venue?

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This is tough to answer lol. If you're referring to the self proclaimed spa lord of the universe..........He's entertaining,at his expense of looking like an idiot at times.

He also crosses the line on average,1 out of 3+ posts.

I would ban him if he is truly a detriment to this site,and causes more harm than good. As I previously mentioned,he adds a unique/bizzare flair to the boards, I and others would miss his posts/thinking.

It's a toss-up as far as I'm concerned

P.S. ... Food for thought...... Of all the dealers/salespeople...... Is there anyone out there that even remotely resembles this person,in an online setting/venue?

Why would anyone want to read this guy's posts? He can't write, spell, think clearly, has illogical thought patterns, doesn't respond to direct questions posed to him but yet constantly asks pointless questions which only bring about circular arguments, and quite honestly, IMHO, must suffer from some form of mental illness. I truly mean that; as there is no other explanation for his bizarre behavior and posts. I have only been on the forum a couple of months, but no one has even come close to this guy. He offers nothing to this site but controversy. There are plenty of other sites for entertainment; this one should be about education and commaraderie, not constant argumentative banter.

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