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This looks like a lovely forum.  Recently found my Hot Springs Jetsetter Spa dead with a burn mark on the back of the IQ2020 heater relay board.  After a conversation with Watkins I purchased a Whole new IQ2020 controller, only to find that I would need to replace the upper controller head and do some other things to make it work. Yuck.  Bottom line - sending it back (even though it seemed like a bargain @ $350 for the entire controller).

Now I’m wondering - is the main controller board really bad?  Saw some discoloration on the main board where the hot wire comes in so assumed it was bad.  Is there a way to check the main board to check it’s basic functionality, so I don’t fry the future new heater relay board or anything else?





On 8/9/2020 at 10:59 AM, RDspaguy said:

Your main board is unlikely to damage the relay board.

The damage is from heat, and will eventually burn out that relay on the board. 

$350 is too cheap. What's wrong with it? Why so cheap?


RDspaguy, thanks so much for your quick response.   Actually I was thinking that the relay board was fried, and wondered if it took the main board with it.  But as I say that...  the only things that I really know is that the spa is completely non-functional and there are scorch marks on both boards where the black wire connects them.

Watkins tech support suggested that any of the later revs of the IQ2020 would work, that they were improvements to the earlier controller/boards.  Turns out this is (likely) true, but in order to use recent revisions, you must replace the controller head (user interface) as the connector is different on the new main board.

Possible options:
1.  find a down rev of the IQ2020 to work with the spa that I have
2.  keep the later revision of the IQ2020 (rev H, P/N 1302501-4) and upgrade the controller head.  
3.  Somehow test the main board and fix it if necessary (can anyone troubleshoot and repair these?).  Prob is that the old IQ2020 cabinet has basically fallen apart, and I’d need the relay board as well, so I’m probably looking at $700 - $1000.

Just looking some sanity here - I’m leaning towards going with the newer rev IQ2020 and upgrading the controller head.



RDspaguy, do you think I can find a schematic of the main board?  Turns out that the black jumper was bad - I replaced it with 220v red jumper (not needed in 115v application) and now the control head and circulation pump are now running.  However no power to the pump/jets output.   Is it possible that it’s just the relay on the main board?  Possible that the relay went bad and fried the jumper?

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