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Havenmade Spas


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I've been reading about a spa company called HavenMade, Inc.

They claim to make spas that are superior to all other spa companies.

I've done some research outside of this forum and can't seem to get much background on them.

I'm curious to know what folks here have to say.


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I would do a search on this forum on the top right of the page it will bring up any topics with the word "haven spas" in it. I recall a post about them a long while back. Good Luck

I did the basic search before and nothing came up...did the 'advanced' this time and KABLAM!!! Out came the gushing slams of Jim and his company as top-notch scammers...lots to read, but I saw enough to know to stay away from him.

I was going to post something about him here - but decided to get my facts straight before I did. Now I can share my recent 'encounter" with Mr. Arjuna. Suffice to say, he explained himself by saying (and I quote):

"We are definitely in business! There is no way for you to determine that from the website. Our phones are still working fine, so that would mean that you did not call. (I called twice...) Our company is called HavenMade Inc. Our wesites are all working just fine. We are definitely in business and shipping spas in the US and around the world. The competition has put out rumors about us being out of business. That is a sad statement on them. We closed our retail outlets, The Spa Specialist in Denver is closed, because the Internet sales outside of Colorado far exceed the need for that. We are actually expanding in Europe. You can contact me on Monday at 6 to 11AM your time. I am there now at the new factory here (I later learned that 'here' means Holland). Because of the time difference here. 4 PM is 6 AM your time. The European market wants some actual engineering in their spas. The dealers in Europe are tired of the Chinese and American junk. That is fact. Europeans are used to quality in appliances. Thanks: Jim"

Sorry for bringing up a sore subject...if it weren't for the fact that I spent WAY too much time reading his BS, I'd be laughing.


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They claim to make spas that are superior to all other spa companies.

That is a given, any salesman will tell you that.

Never buy from a company that offers warranties longer than they have been in business!

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They claim to make spas that are superior to all other spa companies.

That is a given, any salesman will tell you that.

Never buy from a company that offers warranties longer than they have been in business!

In my opinion the tubs look to be mediocre Phoenix tubs rebranded and modified and then marked up to incredibly high prices.

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  • 1 year later...

I would do a search on this forum on the top right of the page it will bring up any topics with the word "haven spas" in it. I recall a post about them a long while back. Good Luck

I did the basic search before and nothing came up...did the 'advanced' this time and KABLAM!!! Out came the gushing slams of Jim and his company as top-notch scammers...lots to read, but I saw enough to know to stay away from him.

I was going to post something about him here - but decided to get my facts straight before I did. Now I can share my recent 'encounter" with Mr. Arjuna. Suffice to say, he explained himself by saying (and I quote):

"We are definitely in business! There is no way for you to determine that from the website. Our phones are still working fine, so that would mean that you did not call. (I called twice...) Our company is called HavenMade Inc. Our wesites are all working just fine. We are definitely in business and shipping spas in the US and around the world. The competition has put out rumors about us being out of business. That is a sad statement on them. We closed our retail outlets, The Spa Specialist in Denver is closed, because the Internet sales outside of Colorado far exceed the need for that. We are actually expanding in Europe. You can contact me on Monday at 6 to 11AM your time. I am there now at the new factory here (I later learned that 'here' means Holland). Because of the time difference here. 4 PM is 6 AM your time. The European market wants some actual engineering in their spas. The dealers in Europe are tired of the Chinese and American junk. That is fact. Europeans are used to quality in appliances. Thanks: Jim"

Sorry for bringing up a sore subject...if it weren't for the fact that I spent WAY too much time reading his BS, I'd be laughing.


This pathological liar, with a self proclaimed [self ordained] I.Q. of 185 [ask him for documented proof of this "wild claim" he uses for sales BS], would not make a pimple on a pimple on an Engineers behind. He claims "Infinite insulation in our Dait cabinet technology". As a Mechanical Engineer with over 40 years of experience, I can absolutely positively tell you that, in the Earth's atmosphere especially, "There is no such thing"! There is not even "infinite insulation" in the environment of outer space! Heat flows to cold is a basic "Law of Thermodynamics". All that insulation can do is slow down the speed of this flow. I can guaranty that this flow will take place as long as the outside temperature is lower than the temperature of the water in the Hot Tub (/Spa). This flow will only stop when "Thermal Equilibrium" is achieved. i.e. The inside temperature matches the outside temperature - they become one and the same. If you care to investigate the Thermodynamics of a heated caldron [engineering talk for the thermodynamic model of a Hot Tub(/Spa)] you will find that the temperature loss through the sides and bottom are usually ignored, due to the fact that over 90 to 95% plus, of the temperature loss occurs at the surface of the liquid [water in this case], from convection (heat rises - cold sinks),conduction

(contact with the air which absorbs the heat), and evaporation of the water. Therefore, in order to slow down the heat loss to its "maximum possible level", use the best "thermal blanket" (sheet of foam rubber that accurately fits the shape of the surface of the water and floats on it) that money can buy, and, the best insulated folding cover that money can buy...lower the temperature on the thermostat to a stand by, or vacation level (such that it will not freeze if it is winter)...AND NEVER pull the cover off and/or remove the thermal blanket. ;-) LOL I happen to be James Arjuna's (aka James Campbell Gruver) older Brother and I went with him to the Phoenix Spa Company the first time he went there. That was in the late 1990's. At that time he was purchasing at wholesale, varius models with his "Plumbing" arrangements applied, for between $2,500.00 and $5,500.00, depending on the shape and size of the tubs. He marked these up, at that time, for between 2 to 4 times. i.e. For whatever traffic would bear! His current wholesale prices and markups I am not privilaged to. He manufactures nothing but BS.

Edited by JonJon
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LOL. I now feel much better for all the times I called Jim the Jim on his chemistry BS in the past in this fourm! He actually tried to ask me If I knew how TA worked! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hope your lawsuit against him is going well.

We won the lawsuit by default and received a Judgement in January of 2010.


Pick the "Domain Web" in blue. Type in the case box HG08403462, the case number. Then pick the "submit" radio button. Go to the left column and pick what you want to see. i.e. all of the hassles we went through or just the Judgement issued. Not to worry, it is all in the public domain...you can copy it...download it...print it...distribute it...whatever floats your boat...so to speak.

Ask him how he made it through "Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis"?

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What prompted you to post yesterday in a two year old thread?

I thought I would look around and see what he and/or his sales bullchit was up to.

Jimmy deserves to lose all the sales that I/we can effect. After all, he proved to us that he is a blatant thief! Posting a little "insider information" helps protect prospective Hot Tub/Spa buyers [the public] from suffering along the lines of what my Wife and me experienced. Someday Jim and Sandy may be on the street. Well, needless to say, Jim and Sandy Arjuna-Gruver will not get any help from us...not ever!

He has badmouthed everyone in the Portable Hot Tub/Spa Industry so bad, that, if he were to be put in a situation where he needed to get a "regular job" to survive, he would be in deep yogurt...for the past 20 to 25 years, all he has done is Portable HotTub/Spa Sales, Marketing, Maintenance, and Repair...I seriously doubt that anyone in their right mind would hire the infamous "Spa Deceptionist". His DOB is April 22, 1948. So, as of this post, he is 64 years old. That is a tad bit late to be starting over. Especially with the trail of filth and wreckage, he has left, and continues to leave, all over the Internet. It is sad that he cannot grasp the fact, that what you post on the internet, is there forever, including all the veiled, inferred, implied, suggested, and synonymous "threats of physical violence" upon ones body, that he has put out, attacking anyone that will not buy into his bullchit and agree with everything he "Proclaims". It is amazing that a person, or persons, has not confronted him face to face and called him out!

Oh well. I am glad these are his problems and not mine.


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If I am not mistaken he was banned from here before I became a mod, much to everyone's relief.

That is also my understanding. The one time I read on here, he was caught posing as an "Official Engineer" and scrambling for sales leads, through Private Messaging, while all the while lying like a rug!!! The person he Private Messaged, saw through his scam, and reported what he was doing through an open post on here.


Jimmy's famous line of crap: "I don't tell lies...I will never lie to you...it is against God to lie!!! [i AM A MAN OF GOD!]

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  • 5 years later...


This man, James Arjuna, is a straight up crook!  He displays the characteristics of a person suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder aka Sociopath.  He has no guilt, shame, or remorse for the damage he does to people and shows no sympathy, empathy, or compassion for the suffering he causes.  He ripped us off for $55,703 based on a civil judgement we obtained on January 14, 2010 against The Spa Specialist, Inc. the former name of hias company that he still uses illegally because that company was deregistered in Colorado  around 2011.  He has not paid us a penny towards this judgement!  It was filed for 1.) Stock Fraud, 2.) Failure to repay a loan. 3.) Failure to pay for repair work performed.  James Arjuna aka James Campbell Gruver is my younger brother.  My name is John Barnett Gruver.  Recently my wife was afflicted with Multiple Myeloma Cancer and I emailed James Arjuna asking for financial help with the medical costs. I have not received an answer and never will!  I call him a bloodsucking maggot!  He is a cold heartless monster as far as I am concerned!  I strongly suggest that you do not do business with his company.  He defrauded/swindled us, his family members, and no doubt that we are not the first nor the last people he has defrauded!  If you research him on line you will find lots of complaints about him and his companies.  He has been thrown off of all of the Portable Spa/Hot tub forums online that I am aware of for being a known liar and a cheat.  He makes a litany of false claims about the "Alleged" engineering of his products.  He claims to be a scientist and an engineer, yet he has no credentials for Science or Engineering and has no on the job experience in the capacity of an Engineer or a Scientist whatsoever!  He is a classic scammer!  Attached is a copy of the Judgment which is good for 10 years and can be renewed every ten years.  Our "investment" in his company was supposed to bring us income for the life of the company with an "Alleged" 25% investment for $30,000 cash. We never received a penny of the profits!  They have all gone into his wife's and his pockets!


Judgment Entered pgs 1 & 2 .pdf

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