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Visitors = Cloudy Water


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Our tub water has been in great shape with sustained family use. My problems stem from having friends over for hot tubbing. It seems most times, the water gets quite cloudy ( yesterday was awful!) and sometimes thin flakes floating and some minor foam. After a couple of days, it clears up back to normal.

I am pretty sure this is detergent in bathing suits. Any ideas / thoughts? If this is the primary case, I don't know what to do - can't have my daughters teenage friends hot tub "aut naturel" and it would seem ackward to issue friends a bathing suit that I know has been laundered / rinsed properly.

Thanks in advance.

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You could ask guests to shower with their suits on before using the spa. Public pools require that, so It wouldn't seem like a weird request. That may get the detergent out of the swim suits.


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Our tub water has been in great shape with sustained family use. My problems stem from having friends over for hot tubbing. It seems most times, the water gets quite cloudy ( yesterday was awful!) and sometimes thin flakes floating and some minor foam. After a couple of days, it clears up back to normal.

I am pretty sure this is detergent in bathing suits. Any ideas / thoughts? If this is the primary case, I don't know what to do - can't have my daughters teenage friends hot tub "aut naturel" and it would seem ackward to issue friends a bathing suit that I know has been laundered / rinsed properly.

Thanks in advance.

Why not just set up SOPs = "Hot Tub Use Rules", that requires everyone to take a shower and thoroughly rinse before getting in the tub...like you do at any public pool or gym with a pool/spa/sauna?

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You could ask guests to shower with their suits on before using the spa. Public pools require that, so It wouldn't seem like a weird request. That may get the detergent out of the swim suits.


Great minds DO think alike.


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My only rule is to not inconvenience my guests. I don't ask people to wash their dishes after dinner and I don;t expect them to shower before using my spa.

As you said, it clears up in a couple of days at most. Typically, i find if I use adequate amounts of bleach/MPS right after, water clarity isn't really an issue. At most, I have issues with foaming. while i don't like foaming, i can live with it for a short time.

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My only rule is to not inconvenience my guests. I don't ask people to wash their dishes after dinner and I don;t expect them to shower before using my spa.

As you said, it clears up in a couple of days at most. Typically, i find if I use adequate amounts of bleach/MPS right after, water clarity isn't really an issue. At most, I have issues with foaming. while i don't like foaming, i can live with it for a short time.

I hope your guests at least flush the toilet after use. :D


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  • 2 weeks later...
My only rule is to not inconvenience my guests. I don't ask people to wash their dishes after dinner and I don;t expect them to shower before using my spa.

As you said, it clears up in a couple of days at most. Typically, i find if I use adequate amounts of bleach/MPS right after, water clarity isn't really an issue. At most, I have issues with foaming. while i don't like foaming, i can live with it for a short time.

I hope your guests at least flush the toilet after use. :D


Hahahaha. Or at the very least, use the toilet before getting in the tub.

I think there is really no easy way around this issue. It's either just live with it, or you can have that awkward "Okay, so everyone have a shower before getting in the tub" conversation first where most people will just hear as "I don't want you in my hot tub unless you shower you dirty bastards". I was actually considering installing a shower at my back door that had no way around it and having it cranked as people come outside.

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Tell your guests what is happening, and let them help decide (maturely) on an agreeable solution. On the other hand, I like the "shower you dirty little ........s!" as well.

I agree that a simple conversation with your guests will probably solve the problem, that is if your guests have any understanding of their obligation as "guests".

Now, I know you may not agree, but I grew up with these two complimentary host/guests rules...

1) It is the host's obligation to see that the guests are well cared for.

2) It is the guests' obligation not to be a burden on the host.

I try to keep these in mind whether I am the "host" or the "guest". When both these rules are followed, everyone is happy and the guests will be invited back. If either party fails in their obligations, then someone will be very unhappy and if the rules violation continues repeatedly time and again, then disappointment and/or resentment soon follows.

Your statement: "my only rule is not to inconvenience my guests." clearly shows you understand rule #1. With a simple conversation, your children and their friends might be reminded of the complimentary rule #2.

A pre-soak shower would not be a burden but simply an example guests being considerate of a gracious host.

Just my $.02. B)


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I continued having cloudy water problems after asking my guests to shower before going into the tub. At first I suspected that my guests weren't following the "rules" but eventually realized that the cloudy water was caused by hair products. Now I ask my guests to do their best to keep their hair out of the water (sometimes hinting that the chemicals may damage their hair!), and have rarely seen cloudy water since.

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I continued having cloudy water problems after asking my guests to shower before going into the tub. At first I suspected that my guests weren't following the "rules" but eventually realized that the cloudy water was caused by hair products. Now I ask my guests to do their best to keep their hair out of the water (sometimes hinting that the chemicals may damage their hair!), and have rarely seen cloudy water since.

Glad to hear you've solve the problem. Happy tubbing to you and your guests! :D:lol:


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Our tub water has been in great shape with sustained family use. My problems stem from having friends over for hot tubbing. It seems most times, the water gets quite cloudy ( yesterday was awful!) and sometimes thin flakes floating and some minor foam. After a couple of days, it clears up back to normal.

I am pretty sure this is detergent in bathing suits. Any ideas / thoughts? If this is the primary case, I don't know what to do - can't have my daughters teenage friends hot tub "aut naturel" and it would seem ackward to issue friends a bathing suit that I know has been laundered / rinsed properly.

Thanks in advance.

Underarm deodorant, perfumes, cologne, etc. They all add to it. I just add extra bleach after. For myself I wipe underarms before I go in. I don't hassle guests.

BTW with jets on high some of these soaps will float and can be skimmed.


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I have the same situation, I Love clean water. I dont like to request guests take showers. I had a party with with signs in bathrooms to please shower if you have hairspray or perfume ect if you plan on using spa. No one did! Hairspray is the foam maker! One of my wifes friends had a wedding updoo with ton of spray. next day I had ton of bubbles! Really cheesed me off!! Anyway When I have guest over I always increase sanitation! And shock about every two hours if the tub is continualy open with guests I use the aroma shock from zodiac so they dont realize I am adding chems they think it is for the aroma! i love that stuff

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My guess would be moisturizing lotions.

Several years ago, about a dozen of us rented a vacation house in Lake Tahoe - with a hot tub.

The air up there is really dry, some people were really slathering themselves with lotion. After skiing, we went to soak while the snow fell. After dinner, some of us went back. Gross. A layer of foam with scum clumps on the surface. We left the filter on all night. It looked better the next day. Until one individual hopped in for a while. This one was the major moisturizer, and sadly, it was a guy... Instant foam.

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