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James Keirstead

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Everything posted by James Keirstead

  1. I see where you are coming from. Most dealers do everything they can to service their customers. Sometimes they simply need a reminder. That is how I can help. I see every customer issue as important and not anti-arctic. As far as being disproportionate... I don't think it is. There are alot of Arctic Spas sold in Canada. Anyway, we'll get them sorted. :-) J
  2. Glad to hear it's sorted! I knew Travis would come through. Kind regards, James
  3. Thanks Dano, I'm excited for you. I think you are going to love that spa. I have a Frontier at home, and I use it all the time. Take care, James
  4. With all due respect sir, your comment is full of conjecture and untruth. You have no idea the testing procedures we went through to develop any systems that go into our spas. Nor are you correct in saying we leave the customer to search for how to fix the problem themselves. We put much effort into supporting our customers, including watching these forums for customers that are having problems and sorting them out. Furthermore, I am very familiar with the inner workings of Maax and they have not been building spas for over 40 years. Why not stick to the truth and not bashing competitors? Respectfully, James
  5. Hey Toolmantoo, Its James here! Sorry for your troubles with your water chemistry. I think I can help you out. Can you send me your spa serial number so I can look into it and call you when I am back in town on Monday? Kind regards, James
  6. Hi Nigel, Me again. I am actually in Toronto right now and I am discussing with Trevor, the owner of Arctic Spas Oakville Group how he can reduce call wait times and improve service times. I am confident Trevor will work over the next few months on improving both. If you need any help expediting things from my end, I am always here to help. Kind regards, James
  7. Hi Robbie, I am sorry for your troubles with what sounds like an aftermarket Genesis salt system. I am with the factory that makes Arctic Spas, and I would like to see if I can help. I think it is important to point out that if it is, in fact, an aftermarket salt system that is the issue it is not really the fault of the spa we make. Of course I still want to help in any way I can because I want you to be happy with your spa. Can you send me your spa number and I will look into the details and see if I can help. Kind regards, James
  8. I am with Arctic. I am just out of town on business for the weekend. Can I get back to you on Monday or Tuesday? What can I do to help? James
  9. Hey John, I spoke to Rob at the store this afternoon and directed him to your post so that he could take it up with Travis and get it resolved for you as soon as possible. Let me know if you do or don't hear from him in the next couple of days. Kind regards, James
  10. Hello Gentlemen, Firstly, I would like to apologize for the difficulties you are having with your onzen systems. I would like to help. Can you pm your spa serial numbers and I will look into it and get in touch with you and help get this sorted out for you. Again I am sorry for your difficulties. Don't worry though, I am confident I can get you up and running properly. Thanks for your patience. James
  11. Hey SteelerPete, Can you PM me with your spa serial number and I will look into your issue and see what I can do to help. Don't worry, we'll get you sorted out and back on track. Thanks for your patience. James
  12. Hey Capjak, Can you PM me with your contact details and spa serial number and I will look into it for you. Kind regards, James
  13. My pleasure Quarry! Glad to help. Enjoy your spa! James
  14. Hey Arlene, We played phone tag today, but I'll reach you tomorrow.
  15. Thanks for saying that Eric. There is nothing I want more then to make sure every experience with us is enjoyable. Sometimes things happen. I want you and others to know that we are here to make sure that when they do we try everything we can to fix them. Most of all thanks for your patience. James
  16. Thank you James. I still have no email or phone response indicating a shipment date based upon my October 8th purchase of a Del Zone eclipse ozonztor. Cavalier I will give him a call again when I am in the office tomorrow. Sorry about that. J
  17. Thanks for your comments. It is never easy making tough decisions as we have done in 2008/09. No one plans for things to regress. Like you said though it is the proactive companies that weather the storms. I am confident that our industry will come back. It will be a slow return and it may not be as it was in the haydays but I think the landscape of our industry is changing for the better. As many of you have seen, economy isn't the only thing we need to be aware of in our industry. The legislative landscape is changing dramatically with respect to power consumption and safety for our products, which although challenging for our industry will only result in better products for the consumer, and isn't it really all about delivering a better product to them? James
  18. Great News cpumodem! We are working on an update to the onzen manual which will be much better then our first go around. I will check into when they expect to complete it. If you send me your email address, I'll add it to my todo list and get a pdf of it out to you as soon as I see it. Hey and thanks for your business and your trust. Warm regards, James
  19. I don't think this news story is new to anyone in our industry, and let's face it, reporters spin their tale to suit the point they are trying to make. In this case the story centred around the G20 meeting to discuss economic policy in the wake of a slow recovery from a global recession. I would like to point out that this year has shaped up to be much better then we expected, especially in Canada. Yes we are down, but not as much as we budgeted for and our quick and decisive changes last year have kept our company fiscally strong. We expect to continue to outpace our industry this year. My specific comments to the "W" in the economic recovery were not as strong as the reporter lead them to believe. I simply wanted to point out that there are some fundamental decisions that the G20, in particular the United States needed to execute to have the recovery continue on the "V" which I didn't see yet. Not to mention the US banks haven't released credit as much as they should to increase the economic growth they need for a speedy recovery. I still think this winter may see a slight dip, but not nearly the "W" suggested. I hope that clears up my point of view. Regards, James
  20. I checked with one of our technicians here and the low level programming settings will remain at the last setting before a power failure. When powered back up there should be no need to reset them. Hope that helps. James
  21. I'm not certain. I can't remember. I will look into it tomorrow and message you back. Sorry about that. James
  22. Could be Global or MSPA controls. Both function the same way for low level programming. The filter button scrolls through the settings and the up and down arrows change the settings. When you are done changing the settings, press the filter button to scroll all the way through and the system will reset with the new settings. Let me know if you need anything else. James
  23. Hi Arlene, I apologize for the troubles you are having with your onzen system. I would like to help get your problem solved and restore your faith in us if I can. I will send you a PM with my contact details. Could you call me? Kind regards, James
  24. Hi Eric, I am sorry for your troubles. I got your PM and will call you when I am in the office tomorrow. Don't worry, we'll get you fixed up. Kind regards, James
  25. Congratulations Dano! Welcome to the Arctic family. Enjoy your spa. James
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