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Jake the dog man

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Everything posted by Jake the dog man

  1. There are deductions, both State & Federal, with numerous prescriptions and sworn statements on NEED, Not advantages of hydro-therapy (possibly your 1st born) required. I don’t think I’d have any problems with those from numerous surgeons, podiatrists & the like. My accountant has only seen it get by one time, out of about 12 attempts. His pretty convinced it would flag you for an audit toot sweet. As someone has already stated, once you are sitting in your tub, a possible tax deduction is the last thing you are thinking about. Good Luck & let us know what you decide.
  2. An Hour & a half or so, from the garden hose. I sometimes let the sun warm it up for a day before I start the tub, so it takes the cold edge off. I only have a 50 hot water tank so it isnt enought to fill a 450/500 gal tub. It all evens out anyway.
  3. I add about an inch of water every 6-8 weeks. It gets used 2-4 times a week, year round.
  4. While is is snowing or has snowed lots is the best! I shovel a path to the tub, use no towels & only take out my fleece lined crocs and maybe a beer. Just came in a while ago and may go out again before bed. Hot tubs are made for the winter. I can not figure out why some don't use them during the winter months.
  5. Pretty much what Spawn said. I think almost any reputable contractor could give you some input. I just stress that if you go with a poured slab, don't go cheapo. A good job could last almost forever, but a econo job won't last the life of even a cheap tub. Good Luck
  6. Spray filter cleaner or Fantastic & power wash at a self-serve carwash has worked well for me. I also have two sets so I can alternate as needed.
  7. Frankly Cloud, I’d drain your tub & clean it. Refill and start with Chlorine again. I have heard of very few people who have skin issues with Chlorine, but a fair amount with Bromine. A chlorine program is very easy to maintain and does not require constant testing, unless you want to. Your local hot tub dealer will likely test a water sample for free and sell you the few supplies, along with chlorine, that you should need for years of carefree ownership. Our hot tub, using chlorine, has improved our skin. That being said, I also hear good things about skin with salt water systems. To clarify, pun intended, I never said dip & dump, I also never said keeping a hot tub was hard. It is a responsibility like any other. I just don’t understand why telling someone with a water issue that buying a testing kit will fix the OP’s problems, when they likely will never use it after a few months. Nobody is barking here, just don’t like people who think their way is the best & only way, while the rest of us are idiots. Why re-invent the wheel? It really is just a hot tub. It isn’t a fulltime job for 90% of us, nor should it be. People over thinking and strong “opinions” are always a drawback with a DISCUSSION Board. Best of Luck!
  8. The oil in a car is a good analogy… I don’t need to buy test kits & magic oil to maintain my 40k car, so why would I for a 8k hot tub? I don’t need to test the viscosity of my oil or the particulate content “close to daily”. I also don’t need to be a certified automotive technician to drive or own said vehicle. To each their own. I just don’t like reading people who feel their opinion is positively the only way, when it can be done just as well far simpler. I think it deters people, though unintentionally, from getting involved. I must just live in a bubble where nobody I know has ever needed water info that couldn’t be determined from a test strip. I am a lucky man. I hope the next 30 years holds the same luck as my 30 years’ experience.
  9. Chlorine, while not hard at all and a bit cheaper, does require close to daily attention. Oh Really? Yikes, I guess I need to buy a test kit and make my tub routine much more time intensive. My current tub is only about 4 years old, but I have only used strips to test. My 2 past hot tubs were 10 & 15 years old respectively, used strips on 1, but only used a test kit on the 1st one because it came with the set-up. The strips I use provide me with everything I have needed to keep an immaculate hot tub with only needing to add a premeasured amount of chlorine 1-2 a week, with a heavy dose maybe once a month. I use my tub 4-6 times a week. Granted, I count on my tub to clear up a skin condition, not create one. I can also travel for a week or two with no problems upon arrival home. I don’t think that is so with other methods. As helpful as most people can be around here, they are far more likely to create work & stress in owning a tub. I have mine to cut down of those things. I understand some people love to tinker & be meticulous on things, but it isn’t required to own a tub.
  10. Just pick-up a tube of test strips that you can just dip in the water every few days/weeks. Obviously not as accurate as the Taylor kit, but very few people really need or understand the info. I think the strips would be more than enough for most people & their tubs. Good Luck! Please keep us posted.
  11. Our Lab goes in ours from time to time. My biggest concern was his nails scrathing the acrylic, but that hasn't happened. There should not be enough chemicals in your water to hurt a dog if a person has nothing to worry about. A well taken care of dog has no more germs then a person. Obviously cleaning the filters and draining of water may be in order, but no harm will come to you, your tub or Fido. Good Luck!
  12. Driveway stone... Crush n Run... whatever you want to call it. It makes a great base when a permanent one is not an option. My sister’s tub hasn’t been an issue and it has been sitting on one for almost 15 years now. I used them plenty of other times with nary an issue. My personal tub is on a deck, but if it was to go in the yard, I would go with stone. PS- That tub in the pictures was crap before it was on loose pea gravel, so that isn’t a good comparison.
  13. I keep mine in a kitchen cabinet along with the trash can & trash bags. I also find that rarely are more than the chlorine granules used. I normally keep individual doses of chlorine granules in a stack of clear bead containes that the top of one threads to the bottom of the next.
  14. Wow, they should throw them in on the deal. Might be too late now, but don't spend the money yet. Mine came with my deal, but I don't even use them. My wife prefers them, so I get in one side she gets in on the side with steps.
  15. Hot tubs always are 3-5 degrees hotter. I keep mine (08 TR Sumatran) at 102 but it is actually 106. I have used many different thermometers, but I have found this in most tubs I have used & owned. No big deal, maybe that is why there is no way to fix it.
  16. DrSpa, Thank you for the straight line. I feel about lint just as I and most others feel about blatant commercial self promotion on a site such as this. Lint, unfortunately is something we can't do much about (except to insist that everyone using the dryer clean the lint filter). As a moderator here I would think that part of the job would be to help filter out lint, I mean blatant commercial self promotion. I've checked your website. Indeed, it looks like you produce high quality covers and tubs. But it's just ugly for you to be conducting business on a public forum you moderate. You can do this with a private message, etc. More, I find your comments to this DIY guy to be not very supportive. Why not give him or others tips on making a better cover? They could check your site for ideas. BTW: please know that I and others very much value the time and effort that folks like you give to these forums. Lighten up. Sometimes buying a product is better than making one out of hardware store supplies. I'd much rather spend the money on a real cover than waste money on making one. But I too like to see people explore & fiddle. That's how many learn. We can't all live on unicorn farts in a kitten's dream. BTW- As for a private message, you should have followed your own advice here. I don't see anybody requesting your advice on these boards.
  17. I have a 120v Tiger River Sumatran that was 4000 new on sale. Shop around, seems most are availabale either way.
  18. Ditto. Hot tubs are designed to be filled with WATER. Draining & sitting is bad enough... draining, freezing & sitting is worst of all.
  19. True, but wouldn't it be easier to just call a professional first? I'm not an electrician, but I am a professional. I too explain to people how to do the things I do, because I know I will get the business when they screw it up. Normally it costs less if they don't take a crack at it 1st. Case in point... you "saved" $300 cutting & patching... most professionals would have just gone underneath the sidewalk without cutting it... taking maybe 1/2 an hour. Even I have done that. Did you really "save" or did you just do it yourself so it is done, just not as well as an electrician would have done it? At the end of the day, do what you want. Myself, I have a buddy who is an electrician, so it normally costs me some amount of beer. Just don't find out the hard way why we have professionals.
  20. I hate to point out the obvious BUT... If you need to ask, maybe you should call an electrician. Your project should be worth an hour or two from a professional. Best of luck!
  21. Seems like smoke & mirrors. I wouldn't trust any product that claims you needn't ever test. I can't figure why anyone doesn't just stick with chlorine. Once you get a system down, testing isn't needed very often at all. Seems like many around the board like to make busy work involving their tubs. Not me, I stick with chlorine which runs about 15 bucks every other month or so and test every few weeks. Drain 3 times a year.
  22. There doesn't appear to be a clear answer either way. I don't feel the fraction you may save is worth not having your tub ready to hop right in. I use my tub 4-8 times a week. I sometimes find myself waking in the middle of the night & deciding to take a soak. I have my tub to relax, not crunch numbers on how to save some pennies. I'd be tempted if the savings were enough to buy even a beer each month, but I haven't found that is the case yet. Good Luck!
  23. I'd have to say I think it would be a huge mistake if they did. I have a TR and would do so again. I didn't want all the features/jets on a HS and I think the Limelight line is cheesy & cheap.
  24. We also have the Leisure Concepts I believe. We use ours mostly to soak during rain, but we spin it around to use for sun over a table. As for the son moving home, no help there, I think I'd rethink things while it is light out.
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