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Bromine reserve - leisure time brominating granular?


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thats a  one-step bromine product that will produce bromine over time.  used regularly, it will build up a bromine reserve, but starting out it will not give you a bromine spa it will give you a chlorine spa with a little bromine thrown in.  Basically its a preparation that relieves one from having to think about how bromine is generated.  But you can do this yourself -- put bromide salts (a reserve) into your spa and then use dichlor as the oxidizer to generate bromine.  You  don't need a floater  -- you can just maintain a bromine spa exactly like you would a chlorine spa (with granular dichlor).

there are a number of bromide reserve products you use to start up a bromine spa.  I just don't get why bromine is perceived to be complicated.  its exactly like a chlorine spa (using dichlor) only you add a one-time dose of bromide salts at startup.  

as for the sliminess -- have you purged recently?

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