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Taylor Vs Test Strips (write As If You Are Selling)


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I am writing a peice to advertise about why we use Taylor Field Lab and are not using test strips. I would love to have you write something that would make a person say to them selves I would be scared to trust test strips and this is why ______. Or just give facts and I will write it... I sure would like your help =) Best Regards, Karl

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I assume you saw this post I wrote comparing the resolution (let alone accuracy or repeatability) of test strips vs. drop-based tests. Also, note that no test strip can measure calcium hardness -- they only measure total hardness -- and that it is calcium (not magnesium) that causes scaling. If you have low calcium in your fill water and you don't add any additional calcium, then realistically people aren't going to get scaling in their spas, but they might have foaming and usually you increase calcium hardness to reduce foaming. Of course, if you increase CH to reduce foaming, and have no accurate knowledge of your water parameters because you are using test strips, then you can risk developing scale.

You are using Taylor drop-based kits because they are at least 4 times as accurate as test strips and can measure CH to prevent scaling that no test strip is able to measure. Why is this so complicated to explain?


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I am writing a peice to advertise about why we use Taylor Field Lab and are not using test strips. I would love to have you write something that would make a person say to them selves I would be scared to trust test strips and this is why ______. Or just give facts and I will write it... I sure would like your help =) Best Regards, Karl

Use the feel, felt, found routine....works pretty well in most circumstances.

Here's an example....

I understand your situation, I can identify with being overwhelmed by a dropper kit and interested in the ease of use that test strips seemingly bring to the table. (feel)

Before I started using the Taylor kits I was forced to make the same decision between connivence and accuracy. (felt)

Once I read the instructions on the Taylor kit and began using it, I realized that the Taylor kit brought both to the table. I found that I can test my water more quickly and more accurately using the Taylor kit. I am never second guessing my readings, and find no need to re-test to confirm my readings. (felt)

This would be good for one on one verbal sales. yes..feel, felt, found is campy...but the customer never knows you are doing it and never notices..I PROMISE.

If you were to put it on paper I would do it much differently.

Something like this......


then go into a "use a taylor kit and never second guess your water readings again"

"get the right answers and all the answers in one box. "

"save time by never needing to re-test your water due to inconsistent readings"

do a cost break down and include a margin of say 10% retests for the strips since they suck and everyone knows you need to recheck all the time.

put the cost breakdown of a years reagent supply and a test strip supply side by side.

Then maybe put a little blurb in there about how Taylors test kits are trusted by and used by more municipal water treatment centers than anything else.

maybe a line like "get professional testing results and water quality for a fraction of the price of test strips"

or "would you trust your drinking water to (science class??) test strips? We wouldnt, you don't, and your city doesn't either, so why trust your spa water to strips?"

or "how safe is your water?, test strips will never tell"

The one liners just keep coming........I have a little problem with bending the truth when it comes to sales pitches....I love the pitchs

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I own a K2106 Bromine kit and it is easy and accurate. I also use test strips for quick readings and have no problems either. I understand many people cannot interpret the test strip readings consistently, but for me...I use/read them the same each time and the results are very closely confirmed by the K2106.

There is no reason to mess about with test strips...when using a Taylor works so well.

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