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Onzen Vs. Nature 2

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Hello to all and thank you for providing such helpful information in the forum. While this is my first post I have done quite a bit of reading here and can now be considered a newbie in training :P

The wife and I are in the market for a new spa...well I guess I should say our "first" spa. I posted in the Chemistry section because honestly through information we gathered here we have limited our choices to the Arctic and Artesian lines which I'm sure most would agree are quality Spa's. With this said I have several questions regarding the different Water Quality Systems that each manufacture uses. This will not be our ultimate deciding factor, but I will probably post the others in the "portable" section. So.....

The Arctic we are looking at would have the Onzen system which from what I understand is unique in that it not only uses the ozone; it also generates the sanitizer (chlorine or bromine). I must admit that many of the posts I have read involve people struggling to keep this system in balance and that somewhat scares me. The salesman informed me that the advantage of the salt (is it proper to call the salt a catalyst?) is that the water maintains a soft feel. This makes sense to me since it is the same product used in water softeners, but I admit that how it actually makes chlorine is a mystery to me. Either way it makes chlorine which obviously would save us money over time by not having to purchase it. Another advertised advantage is that the water only needs to be changed 1 time per year instead of every 3 months.

The Artesian uses the Nature 2 Stick which from what I understand REDUCES the amount of chlorine that we would need to use but does not “make” chlorine. It also would include an ozonator so in comparing that, the spa’s are identical. I have read mostly good things about the Nature 2 and even found out that this “stick” is available for “any” pool/spa and it’s just that the Artesian has a proprietary “slot” for it next to the filters. This is nice but the difference in the cost of the sticks is about $40 more for the Artesian “branded” stick which is not cool to us.

Consider the information above how we understand things and please feel free to correct any erroneous beliefs we may have. However please consider the following questions to be based on “my” understandings and kindly provide any additional information you feel would be helpful.

1. Can (should I) use a Nature 2 in combination with the Onzen system to reduce the need to add chlorine even more? Are there any "other" advantages/disadvantages to doing this.

2. What is the difference in actual chlorine that will need to be purchased for each different system?

3. Are there other advantages/disadvantages to each system?

4. Is it true that the Onzen system can go one year between water changes? Do I truly want to do this?

5. I can add a chlorine generator to the Artesian…Should I consider doing so?

In closing I'm sure I missed some questions that were originally on my mind and hope that the knowlegable people that visit this forum will contribute other ideas/concerns as they deem appropriate. Thanks in advance..

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Good luck with the puchase! We just bought a tub about 7 weeks ago, and it was a tough decision. We studied, did wet tests, asked a million quesitons... It seemed like every place would have us sold on why their tub is the best.

I am not an expert, but someone explained salt water systems to me once - and from my understanding, sodium chloride (salt) goes through a process that separates the "chloride". Then when it's used up, the bi-product is salt again - which creates a re-usable form of chlorine so you don't have to use as many chemicals. I don't know, I'd assume you'd have to still keep the water balanced, and maybe shock to get rid of combined chlorine. Sounds like an interesting sytem though - and my explanation could be totally wrong!

You're right, Nature2 stick doesn't create chlorine. Silver kills bacteria and viruses. It is just another way to sanitize the water. I think you still have to use chlorine (at least in Canada, because it's law). I'm using the dichlor/beach method - which seems to be working great, and I'm thinking about getting the Nature2 stick because it will help the chlorine out - so that I don't have to use so much or so often.

Good luck with your purchase. I bet you can't wait to get in and soak your worries away!


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Thanks for the info Brian!

Yes! we are very much looking forward to soaking but not in becoming chemists :lol:

With that said, I have owned a few pools in the past so I understand the basics. I also don't mind learning the additional "spa" care requirements and taking a hands on approach. The Onzen system seems to be enjoyed by those that have figured it out, but those that have not, seem to have only recieved heartburn. I'm kind of at a stand still as I don't want to sacrifice enjoyment in lieu of increased maintenance/diagnostics but also realize that with Onzen working properly we will have softer water and save money down the road.

I'm hoping that others will chime in and perhaps explain some advantages/disadvantagess of both systems.

Thanks again!

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The Onzen system seems to be enjoyed by those that have figured it out, but those that have not, seem to have only recieved heartburn. I'm kind of at a stand still as I don't want to sacrifice enjoyment in lieu of increased maintenance/diagnostics but also realize that with Onzen working properly we will have softer water and save money down the road.

I'm hoping that others will chime in and perhaps explain some advantages/disadvantagess of both systems.

How does a ozonator gives you softer water

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