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East TX Spa

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Everything posted by East TX Spa

  1. I would daresay that of the above list, MasterSpa and Catalina would fall under the same description as Thermospas based upon MY experience. Never heard of H2O Spas, but perusing their website, they appear to be of the same ilk as the aforementioned. Beachcomber is a good brand, no argument here. To Mr. cop1s, I would suggest sticking with the major manufacturers (HotSpring, Sundance, Marquis, Dimension 1, Jacuzzi) as they are the most popular spas in the world for these reasons: quality, servicablility, parts availability, dealer support. THAT is why they are successful. As far as being high-priced, I have seen Master Spas and Catalinas that were much higer priced than anything I sell (under $12,000 for a HotSpring Vista whereas I've seen $18,000 MasterSpas....of course, they were quickly discounted to $12,000 and then to $8,000). Go and look at the spas, climb in them, jump up and down in the bottom of them (watch the salesman's eyes bug out), kick the side of the cabinet, do a wet test and see how the jets actually feel on your back (not your hand). Check with the local Better Business Bureau. Do all that and you won't have any trouble making the right choice. Good luck in your search. Terminator
  2. Yes sir...multiple sprayed-in layers of closed-cell, high density foam. Terminator
  3. Winter of 2000. Had a customer (Bill York) with a HotSpring Sovereign lose power during an ice storm, something that occurs on occasion in NE Texas. Spa was set on 102 on Sunday. By Thursday, power had still not been restored and the temperature had stayed at or below freezing most of the week. Mr. York took a thermometer out to his spa and measured the water temp at 94. His family bathed in it as it was the only hot water available to them. True story. Terminator
  4. I agree, Tom. Spa dealers are deservedly leery in regards to dealing with overseas customers wanting to have spas shipped to them. I believe it would be in the original poster's best interest to deal with a local spa dealer. Terminator
  5. Go ahead, call me a liar again. Terminator
  6. HotSpring could care less about Jim. We all get a kick out of him because he's funny, not in a clever way, but more in a circus sideshow vein. Terminator
  7. One possible rescuscitation that you haven't been rewarbled by U.S.A. dealers is that there is a beatitude of discrupulous con artistes from various third world countries that are targetizing reputable spa dealers with a story that is solliliquos with yours. Their method of operation (MO) is to call a dealer in the U.S.A. inquiring as to whether they can purchase a spa and have their "associates" come by and requisitionize it for shipment to the third world country, whether it be Nigeria, Mississippi, Germany, or neither. They then submissively submit an insubstantial cheque (or check) that is a cashier's cheque but is bogus and fraudulous. By that point, the priceless artifact is already on it's way to the third world and possibly the fifth element, so dealers are defidennis leary. Terminator
  8. Those are all mighty nice spas! Just a note, the HotSpring Grandee also includes a CD ozonator as standard equipment. Can't go wrong with any of them on your list. I would take a hard look at each dealer and go with the one you're most comfortable with. Good luck! Terminator
  9. Some dealers are doing just fine.....mighty fine, actually. Terminator
  10. Solana TX.... better performance, less noise, MotoMassage, bottom drain. I have sold and used both. Either one will do what you need it to do, but one of them has a MotoMassage and bottom drain. Good luck! Terminator
  11. The internet is a vast and fruitful playground....and as long as there are Japanese people, there will be weird things available on it. Adios Muchachos and Chachettes, I'm off to a birfday party, but don't tell my boss I'm leaving early! Terminator
  12. And a cigar, to boot! Spas in the $4-5K range: Solana SX, HotSpot Trinidad and Sorrento, Tiger River Sumatran, and HS Classic Jetsetter. Terminator
  13. Parts department...East Texas Spa....21 Year HotSpring Spa Dealer....any part for any HotSpring Spa dating back to 1977. If not in stock, we'll get it here in a week, sooner if you need it. Our warehouse
  14. Our spas range from $2995 to 10,600. That price includes delivery, set-up, orientation, watercare kit, 220V sub-panel when applicable, peace of mind, and service after the sale for 5 years on parts and labor with NO deductible. If you get a doctor's prescription, you do not have to pay tax on a spa in the Great State of Texas. Terminator
  15. You'll have to speak louder, I'm in the spa! Termy
  16. *****BOARD VIOLATION******* Article 69, Section II- It is a violation of the rules of this forum to discuss ANY subject that does not include HydroSpa You, sir, stole Fizzy Lifting Drink, you bumped into the ceiling which now has to be sterilized, you violated the rules so you get NOTHING! Terminator (The ALWAYS Obedient and Rule Abiding)
  17. Is that true? Woohoo! I only got 4 minutes to go!!!! Terminator
  18. That picture kinda disproves the theory of whether or not a bear squats in the woods...he evidently do his business in the hot tub as well. When Brer Bear and Brer Rabbit was sittin' on the log aside one another doin' they business, Brer Bear lean over and ask "Pardon me, Brer Rabbit...does you ever have problem with squat stickin' to yore fur?" "Why, no sirree, Brer Bear...squat don't stick to rabbit fur!" So, Brer Bear reach over, grab Brer Rabbit, and commenced to wiping his hind end with him. Terminator
  19. Guzz is right. It's amazing that the rest of the industry hasn't caught on yet, but may be forced to do so unwillingly. Terminator
  20. That's Dr. Spa's pet bear "Butkiss", after the former Chicago great. Terminator
  21. I don't know about being attracted to covers, but bears sure do like HotSpring Spas (then again, WHO doesn't!). [Term (being a wily dealer) tried to sneak in a little sales spiel here...] Terminator
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