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Everything posted by spaboy62

  1. Three to four times a week since we got it, 2008. Thats what our schedule allows for. Less in the summer, we're too busy at the lake. Woodie
  2. Cocktails, good tunes, and the heighborhood hotties getting naked... That's why I got a spa... O.K. it only happened once. Yeah, we enjoy a drink or two while soaking. Woodie
  3. Currently -20 F in Winnipeg. Happy New Year!!! Woodie P.S. I'd post a pic but can't figure out how.
  4. Hovering around 0F... Next to no snow to speak of... yet... in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Woodie
  5. I can appreciate the fact that people don't want to be ripped off, but in all honesty I purchased our spa in less time than it took to read this entire post. I did my research up front, had a clue regarding price, loved my dealer, and voila we've had our spa for a year and have been totally satisfied. I sell for the most expensive heating and cooling company in our city. We're not for everyone, but our customers love us. I tell my clients that showing up is 95% of life, when you have a problem the little guy may not. In our business the factory warranty is a parts warranty only. The labour portion is provided by a " factory authorized dealer". As a result, no one will fix a brand new furnace for free even if it's under warranty unless a factory extended warranty was purchased. This may be the apples and oranges thing but I believe that everyone needs to earn a profit and remain a viable entity to their customers as well as their staff. I personally believe it's easier to appologize for price once than bad quality and service forever. That's just my two cents, Woodie
  6. Hi all!! We're going on holidays Friday. What should we do with our spa? I considered dumping the water and refilling on return (two weeks) but the water is virtually perfect. As of yesterday Sanitizer (bromine) 4 T.D.S. 600 P.H. 7.6 T.A. 125 C.H. 115 Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks Woodie
  7. C'mon, does anyone here really expect a full refund on a seven or eight year old unit? Give me a break! Woodie
  8. Apparantly the third time's a charm, but not what I was trying to accomplish. Woodie
  9. I give up tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Woodie http://s280.photobucket.com/albums/kk171/gmitchler/
  10. Here's ourshttp://s280.photobucket.com/albums/kk171/gmitchler/. I like your gazebo Dan! Could be my next project. Woodie
  11. Thanks Nitro. I'll be on it this weekend. Woodie
  12. Nitro, thanks for your comments. Those were the last numbers before we hopped in the spa after I followed up on the up-date I may be lazy, but i always take care of bidness. Thanks, Woodie P.S. Quack Doctor's scrip is already working
  13. Just to re-cap , no biopsy, tub is 385 US gallons, water is pushing five months. My dealer says if T.D.S. is more than 1200 , time to change. I try to stay on top of hygenics in the water. I swap out and clean my filter every week, shock weekly, and add a couple of teaspoons of brominating concentrate every use. Incidently, use since December has been twelve times or so. Our spa is a Coast , Helios with an ozonator. Does this help? Woodie
  14. Your numbers do seem off, but I will defer to the experts on here. As you can see from my previous posts, we are having trouble too. Did your doctor take a sample or biopsy? Or did he or she just look at the rash? Do you use bromine or chlorine? Our rashes were getting a little better because we stayed out of the hot tub, but now the rashes are worsening and we haven't been back in the hot tub! Chem Geek has given me some great replies that I will be trying. Take a look at his and Nitro's posts. Beleive... update us on your switch to chlorine. Your sanitizer level is way too low and probably indicates that it was even zero at some point. Also, how old was the spa water (i.e. how long since you changed the water) when you first noticed symptoms? How much Spa Essentials Chlorinating Granules were you using and how often? How large is your tub in gallons? Richard
  15. I just came back from the Doctor's today on account of a rash that seems to be spreading. I asked him what it was and he said he had no idea, yet prescribed some topical cream and antihistamine tablets. I mentioned to him we had a spa. Last water report stated : sanitizer .5 ph 7.4 alk 3 T.A. 137 C.H. 100 T.D.S. 700 They suggested 13g of ph increaser and to shock with 1 bag. ( we use the Spa Essentials brand of chemicals). Are these numbers so far out of whack as to cause this? By the way, my wife has the sensitive skin in the family and she shows no signs of anything. Oh, the doctor also said it can be stress related. Any help would be much appreciated. Woodie
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