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I just read a description of Hotsprings' jets being "like a firehose of water that allows you to position your body to get the massage benefits."....obviously written by a salesman I think. I have wet tested the HS twice and I just don't feel that type of massage is benefitting my sore muscles. Even when I direct it right on a sore quad or my feet, I come out of the spa feeling as though I haven't had a massage at all. So what is the big deal about Hotsprings spas? The salesman told me that having air in the jet mix does not add anything therapeutic...that is why their jets are water only. Maybe this is true. Is it? Is there a benefit when air is in the mix? Maybe the problem is the firehose effect. I much preferred a jet for the feet by Caldera that was a big disc with many many holes that had some movement to it. It had plenty of power as well, but I left that wet test with very happy feet.

Now you would think I would run out and buy that Caldera spa, but I am nervous because the dealer in my area (in fact entire state!) is a one-man show. He says he has two guys who do service, but this all concerns me. I want to know I will be able to get service down the road, particularly if Calera doesn't catch on here and he closes shop. Do other people service spas if you are left high and literally dry by a spa co.?

Now here is yet another thread.....I tried the D1 spa.......aaaaaaah. I loved the seat that has jets that massage the back of your thighs and calves. Delightful. Even hits your sciatic area. But my husband questioned the quality of the knobs, seeing that they had yellowed and were finicky when you turn them. So does anyone have experience with D1 and if so, what models?

This may start a more general thread....We want a good therapeutic spa, but one that seats 6-7 people as well. So far the Marquis was no good only because you can't have all the jets going at once (at least not to a power enough to make everyone feel they are getting something). Hotsprings I mentioned above. Haven't tried Artesian. I don't think it is as difficult to recommend spas as people suggest, if the buyer knows what they are looking for: I am looking for a spa that has jets designed to do more than just blast your muscles. I would like a seat that massages the backs of thighs and calves (who wouldn't once you have experienced it...once again...aaaaah). I want to be able to have the entire spa bubbling my guests into relaxation all at the same time. Musical chairs for therapeutic benefit in each seat is fine, but must we have half the spa shut off so the other half can do it's thing? It would be great to have a jet or two positioned on the side of a flatter seat so you can position your body for a good quad massage. I would like a spa with at least one seat that really gets to your shoulders and neck (about the C3 level where all the tension settles). Lastly, it will have to hold up and be a good quality spa. Am I asking for too many things or is there a spa out there that does all this? THANKS....


I just reread my own posting. It's long with lots of questions. If anyone would kindly like to answer the jets question alone, that would be great. Thank you.


Personally, I think the jets that rotate feel more like a massage than directional jets that shoot streams only. It is a personal preference thing. Some prefer the "accupressure" feel. I have done considerable research in selecting a spa. No one I recall had anything bad to say about the quality of D1 spas. Spa controls are subject to a harsh environment and most eventually may discolor. You have some kind of sanitizer (chlorine/bromine) plus Ozone that can cause cosmetic effects that don't effect performance/durability.

You have justified what many on these forums say. You must wet test. HS makes a fine spa but if you don't like the feel, it's not for you. What you should focus most on is the fit and feel of the spa. Having a local dealer is a plus. If you buy from the internet, your post sale support will probably suffer, not only from a service perspective, but if you have problems getting your water under control (which many new buyers do), you local dealer will usually help you out. If you like D1, go for it. You can always check some others, but D1 makes a fine spa.

I am a consumer not a dealer.


I just read a description of Hotsprings' jets being "like a firehose of water that allows you to position your body to get the massage benefits."

This is most often said of the "Jetstream Jet." This is a huge jet, usually only found in a few locations in most models. It is not said of the regular jets. The regular jets are very adjustable, interchangeable, can be rotary, directional or open, and are wonderful.
I have wet tested the HS twice and I just don't feel that type of massage is benefitting my sore muscles. Even when I direct it right on a sore quad or my feet, I come out of the spa feeling as though I haven't had a massage at all. So what is the big deal about Hotsprings spas?
Well, it doesn't sound like the salesman did his job in showing off the spa. Variety is the key with HS jets - read all about that on their web site. They don't claim to have the most power - they go for the things I said above: adjustability, interchangeability etc. The Moto Massage - especially the new DX (dual) model is unlike anything else in the market, and most people love it. As to :
The salesman told me that having air in the jet mix does not add anything therapeutic...that is why their jets are water only.
I don't get his at all. HS mixes air into the jets at your whim. You get to choose the amount - they don't ram it with a blower motor, perhaps that was what he was getting at - but the air really does provide the 'kick,' and the ability to regulate the amount of air really give you vast control over the feel of the massage.
Guest spatech (the unreal one)

I don't get his at all. HS mixes air into the jets at your whim. You get to choose the amount - they don't ram it with a blower motor, perhaps that was what he was getting at - but the air really does provide the 'kick,' and the ability to regulate the amount of air really give you vast control over the feel of the massage.

I think she was referring ot the "air only jets" from an air blower. They do not add anything therapuetic IMO. Now air that is added to the water jets is a different story. That air adds to the jet's ability to give a massage but Hot springs has those obviously.


I just reread my own posting. It's long with lots of questions. If anyone would kindly like to answer the jets question alone, that would be great. Thank you.

You may want to reconsider the Marquis again. YES you can have strong jets in every seat. I think you were given a very poor demo of the Spa. Hot Springs makes a good spa as well, personally I like the Marquis better. Also remember it is VERY UNCOMMON TO sitting with 6 or 7 people in your spa all at once and when you are I think it is a social experience and not one for therapy anyway. Also be leery of those who claim 6 or 7 person spas and not 6 or 7 seats as if you can show me where 12 or 14 legs are going to fit, You might have a seat for the behind but no place to put the legs.


I think she was referring ot the "air only jets" from an air blower. They do not add anything therapuetic IMO. Now air that is added to the water jets is a different story. That air adds to the jet's ability to give a massage but Hot springs has those obviously.

Ah yes. Of course - thanks.

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