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Everything posted by AndyM

  1. Right, thank you for that info, that's interesting. That explains why sometimes you feel this leakage on water taps outside some properties (not felt it anywhere else around my house though) When I tested it with the electrician, under the spa was wet. It is sitting on tiles that don't drain water quickly and when there is rain or pressure washing, all the water goes under the spa before draining out to the back of the garden. This has made one side of the spa under frame timber all wet. If you connect one end of an electrical meter to the wet wood and the other to the spa water, there is a steady 5v running, going up to 10 when you turn on the jets. So I have placed stainless steel plates under these wet areas and connected them to ground which has reduced the voltage to 0. Eventually I will deck the area and raise the spa onto a concrete slab with proper drainage, but for now this is what I have come up with to deal with the problem. Thoughts welcome!!
  2. Ah interesting. Tomorrow I will disconnect everything from the Balboa controller and then retest. Then start plugging things in to see what causes the electrical leakage (I am thinking it must be 12v related for it not to be tripping the breaker and for the shocks felt to be only mild - akin to what you would feel from an old hand operated generator turning very slowly.
  3. Yes I tested the breaker - put live to earth and it tripped. I took off the top side panel, put it back on with silicone after cleaning up around it and will retest with splash water around it. See how it goes
  4. Hi, would appreciate any advice/ opinion. The controller works fine, all functions, but if water is sitting around the edge of the control panel, it drips water below onto the ozone module below and then to the floor underneath. This causes electric shocks if you stand outside the spa, when there is water on the tiles and put your hand in the spa! So the question is, how do I re-seal the control panel? Silicone? Thanks!
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