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  1. I'm having the exact same problem. I took the heater off and replaced the rubber gasket between that bolted on fitting and the heater, but to no avail. Apparently, the heater has an internal gasket just before that fitting that has deteriorated allowing water to leak out of an intentional drain relief. Looks like there is such an indent just before and just after that fitting. No way to get in there and replace that gasket without destroying the heater box. I tried sealing it up with some automotive goop and duct tape, but that only held for 5 minutes until it sprang a leak. Maybe that's a safety thing as well to keep water out of where the wires connect through. Not sure. Anyway. I might have reassembled too soon after putting in the goop. Might try epoxy or flex seal glue/tape next. New heater is $170, and I'm not sure this tub is worth spending that much to fix.
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