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Everything posted by Rob1984qp

  1. So, this morning I tested and bromine was at 5.0, all levels good other than calcium. I came back this evening, 2 adults 1 child for a quick 20min bubble. After I got out, tested. Hit it with 25ml sodium hypo 15% it increased it to 4.0 after a 2min spin of the jets (no bubbles) I then hit it with a further 35ml and tested again after 2mins. I believe the sodium hypo will enable the bromine in a few moments or should i wait a couple of hours between sodium hypo apply and test? I ran the jets for a further 15mins after the last 35ml to save my hot tub cover 🙂
  2. No worries. I'll await the calcium to arrive so i can topup. I've done my Sunday filter clean and tested the levels, all well other than calcium. Cheers for all your help sir
  3. Lol. I was just on my way to milk the cow haha. Ive had to buy some in as I don't own any. Is there anything I can use home based to help get some calcium in while I wait? Maybe a slice if some cheddar?
  4. My calcium tester just arrived. Its quite low as expected at 70ppm Can you put milk in a hot tub? That's full of calcium lol
  5. Forgot to mention i have some Boric acid on route so i plan to put that in once it arrives. Ive not placed any of my O-Care liquid in as of yet. Probably will wait until Sunday when i do my routine clean of the filter and check levels. Cheers
  6. Hey, How are these readings? Just got my new Scuba II tester and ran all tests through it. The water was setup 24hours earlier with all chemicals \ balancing completed as i follow. 10/06 - Filled and allowed to heat overnight to 37C / 98F 11/06 - Around 08:00 - Balance TA and PH - Used 117g of Dry Acid (PH Down) - Allowed to settle for 8hours 11/06 - Around 16:00 - Checked TA and PH (All good) - Added - 90g Bromine Granules (Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate Dihydrate + Sodium Bromide) At this time i was using test strips and a cheap PH pen from Amazon but I was happy with the readings I had. 12/06 - Scuba II Arrived - Tested with new tester all as below, just waiting on my bromine levels to settle down below 10 then i can take a dip 🙂 Bromine - 13.2ppm - A few more hours and hopefully this will come down. PH - 7.4 TA - 74ppm CH - Unable to test at the moment - Tester on route 🙂 CYA - 40 - Looks like the bromine granules have given me enough CYA to get into the "Hypo Chloro" stage when things settle down. TDS @ Fill (10/06) - 335ppm TDS Now - 386ppm Hope all looks in order but if theres any pointers I need to keep an eye out for please let me know. Once and always most appreciated for your time and input to help me with this battle @RDspaguy 🙋‍♂️
  7. Does no one use this to prevent build up of BioFilm? I think its similar to Aqua Finesse. Not sure what chemicals are within the two bottles, will it affect my bromine / bleach setup? https://www.o-care.com/ Thanks
  8. Another great bit of guidance sir. Thankyou. Especially loved the comment "It has been reported that the average person produces about one pint of sweat during a 15-minute soak in a spa." Yummy lol
  9. Second question the Sodium Hypochloride i purchased is very strong. Ive seen people talk about 5 and 6%, the one i purchased is 14%/15%. I understand 1 cup US is around 236ml, ive seen people say half a cup, a cup, 20ml etc... Is it a case of take say 10ml and see what reaction there is to the bromine levels after 20mins? 450gal / 1703L Cheers as always.
  10. I've been to Cananda a couple of times, its gets chilly so thats all good, a nice cool beer 🙂
  11. Hey, me again, you favourite UK Hot Tubber 😛 So when i drop the water from my tub on the next cycle I need a little more guidance. I believe i need to get the Sodium Bromide around 10-15ppm to give me a "bank" (Does it give out cash lol) The Bromine Granules i have are both DiChlor and Sodium Bromide. The sticker recommends for new setups 20mg/l which for my tub ive calculated to around 106grams but i dont know what this provides in way of bromide to the bank. Is there a way to test for Sodium Bromide PPM as a stand alone? https://www.poolandspacentre.co.uk/products/spa-bromine-granules-rwa.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw5vz2BRAtEiwAbcVILwAm61sYcN65Fv4tWdfziXyqy4Cy7VGeayTU4P1O8JpkIaAkXViw-BoCEoQQAvD_BwE Is it worth me purchasing just Sodium Bromide or am i better to use this as i read somewhere that its wise that i have some CYA (30ppm?) which i believe is in the DiChlor to allow me to use the Sodium Hypo i purchased. Cheers
  12. I hope beer and not the hot tub water 🙂 lovely to meet you sir!
  13. Just collected my bleach, ph up and down. Water is up at about 850 TDS, just awaiting one of the cleaner pucks to arrive then ill be dumping the water for deep clean and fresh startup. My scuba ii should also arrive in the next day or so along with reagents. I must say thought the water feels, smells and looks much better with your very helpful advice.
  14. Looool, well pleasure to meet you all! You do have a life... currently it is being a super Spa Guru. Pleasure to meet you all!!
  15. Cheers Chap (once again!), are you the only one on this forum :-). I reread the article and it shows 20,000 hours for ozone and 10k for UV. Cheers
  16. Hey, so I'm interested in the UV and OZONE to reduce chemicals, ive come across one of these close to me at a very reasonable price. Question is its used so might need a new bulb which is fine but I have a query about the ozone, like standard ozonators do the ozone in these only have a life span of 1-2years then you have to replace the full unit or as its UV does it create its own ozone? https://www.spaparts.com.au/csn-ultrazone-uv-c-ozone-spa-sanitising-system Cheers
  17. Cheers, I have my eye on a Scuba II tester so hopefully will help me confirm those results. I think I'll purchase one of those calcium checkers as they are only a few pounds. Cheers for all your help once more
  18. I guess key is in the name, calcium gone? I've just downloaded a handy little app. Any recommendations for ph increase be it borax, soda ash or washing soda? Soda ash seems easiest to get hold of in UK. PH down seems to be dry acid easiest too in UK. I think I'm on to a winner!!! Thankyou ever so much for your help sir! Really appreciate the time and effort you have made to help me gain the knowledge and understanding to run my little chemistry set 🙂 Next objective... how to make the hot tub bring me a beer from the fridge 🙂
  19. Which one of these should i look at purchasing? One is 10-11% the others 14-15% but one has Calgon? What the heck is calgon lol https://www.poolandspacentre.co.uk/products/certikin-sodium-hypochlorite.html
  20. Doesn't chlorine produce CYA though? I just watched a video using dihlor vs cal hypo. The guy was saying chlorine produces CYA this is the one I watched-
  21. I guess the answer to that is based on my water type. I need a Calcium tester and CYA tester. Would this work for calcium testing? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190509311104
  22. Makes sense. I guess they will keep. What would you recommend, chlorine or mps as oxidizer? Thanks again, I really feel I'm moving mountains with your guidance 🙂
  23. Cheers, ive just paid for a 5kg tub of tablets so i guess only other alternative is to crush them all up and use as my oxidizer until i depleate it?
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