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Everything posted by Avamill

  1. This is the second Polaris 280 for me. The first lasted 7 years and in that time was used every day year-round.My first Polaris 280 spent 4 years living under a giant water oak tree and the tree dropped leaves, acorns, branchlettes, and even a squirrel into the pool almost year-round. It performed admirably for me.Over the years I replaced the tires twice, the float once, all three axles once, the bag a dozen or so times, the part that connects to the pool, the pump once, and the feed tube. The gears finally gave out and I elected to replace rather than repair it. Although, I could have replaced the gears and I’m confident I would have gotten another few years out of it.If you take a few minutes to read the manual and adjust it when you install it your pool maintenance time will be reduced. Make sure to keep the bag emptied and the jet and float adjusted and it’s relatively maintenance free.If I didn’t have this I would probably have filled my pool in with dirt by now. This is an investment and well worth it.
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