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Everything posted by Zenami

  1. Just my two cents... There are really 3 standard types of pool safety covers: standard mesh, high shade mesh, and solid STANDARD MESH: Pro - The standard cover will be the most economical Con - The high amount of light that makes its way into the water column turns the water green with algae in the spring HIGH SHADE MESH: Pro - provides substantial shade to nearly eliminate algae growth in the spring AND islight weight Con - a little pricey SOLID: Pro - The solid cover will completely block any light from entering the water column; therefore, the water should be crystal clear upon opening in the spring Con - a solid cover is much heavier than a standard mesh or high shade mesh All pool covers for example like Buffalo Blizzard are required by code to hold the weight of a typical 4 person family in a small area (I think it's a 9 square feet). Anyway, most of them can support the weight of a car (and have) without failing. When shopping for a cover you should be most concerned with with the quality of materials. Before you commit to a cover, ask the manufacturer (not the dealer) a few questions: 1) "Do you use cotton or polyester fillers in your webbing?" The webbing is the black straps that are sewn to the cover and attach to the pool deck. Fillers will reduce the life of the cover. 2) "What country does your hardware come from?" The hardware includes the springs, buckles, anchors, etc. From my understanding and experience US metal is higher quality than metal from India, China, etc. Also, in these tough times, I'd rather my money stay local (but that's just an opinion) 3) "What gauge is your thread?" Remember--the higher the number, the thinner the thread 4) "Is your thread chemically treated with UV inhibitors? Treated thread will last much longer than untreated thread. Many dealers won't know the answer to these questions, that's why I suggest you contact the manufacturer directly. Also, I suggest you contact via email instead of telephone to ensure a honest answer. If you are looking for reputable installers in your area, I may be able to help you get in contact with them--just send me a private message. disclaimer: I'm in no way advocating walking on your safety cover. Please do not walk on your safety cover.I like to watch YouTube videos of a similar theme when I'm looking for information about the right product. I hope this helps someone in the future. Good luck!
  2. vacuuming it will help get rid of it. shocking it will raise your chlroine levels. I know you guys probably know this, but some wont, if your alkinity is low in your pool, add baking powder instead of buying alkinity raiser. its way cheaper. also, when trying to get levels equal, when you raise your alkinity, your PH levels will go up. also if you cyanuric acid levels are 0 in your pool water, your pool wont hold chlorine in the pool. you need to add stabilizer then, and if your pool water temperature is too low, it wont hold stabilizer or chlorine.
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