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Everything posted by poollady

  1. Leave it on whenever you're not swimming. It doesn't hurt to run the filter when it's on. It will probably take several days to a week to warm up. We also recommend a solar reel to keep it in good shape so you're not just "throwing" off to the side of the pool. Have fun!
  2. Just crawl in it dry and see how you fit. Don't expect the dealer(s) to put water in a small spa that they aren't making that much profit on. Once they do, it will be a "used" spa, hard to sell to anyone else.
  3. The NSPI no longer exists. Jim is right they lost a multi-million dollar lawsuit brought on by a person who became a parapelgic when he dove into the shallow end of an in gound pool and broke his neck. The association now is called APSP (Association of Pool and Spa Professionals)
  4. Do most of you dealers belong to APSP? Have you visited their website lately? I have been having trouble navigating the site and I just wondered if any of you are having the same trouble??
  5. 1440 mi. @ 69 cents per mile (UHauls lowest rate through the week) would be almost $1000. Definately cost prohibitive. But you might try to rent the truck one way that would include the days and the mileage. But then you'd have to find a way back home. [Hitchhike with a cute lady truckdriver??? ]
  6. I agree with hot tub boy, the DEALER makes the difference!
  7. Can we PLEASE get rid of the smut on this site. I'm getting tired of coming here and onlyseeing celebrity names instead of legitimate postings! Thanks in advance
  8. Well, Boonzer, the best way to mend the relationship is to let the dealer know that you will be a good customer in the future by purchasing chemicals and supplies from him and recommending him to your friends when they are ready to buy a spa (because you got such a good deal!)
  9. Has anyone else heard about this? We've heard of a scam involving shipping a spa overseas to an orphanage in Ghana. The way the scam works, a church official here in the States "associated with the orphanage" contacts the manufacturer or a dealer asking about a spa. The contact may be via an e-mail or "IM Relay" in which an operator calls and dictates a computer instant messaging conversation. After several of these conversations, the official wants to order the spa and pay with his "valued Mastercard". He also wants to use a shipping company of his choice, which you are required to pay up front via check and then add the shipping to the total billed to the credit card. The credit card turns out to be stolen, and you'd be out any money paid to the shipping company. Presumably if you played along with it long enough someone would come and pick up the spa, too.
  10. Put your bromine/chlorine tablets in the skimmer basket, rather than a floater. Also suggest using a regular hard cover as well as the bubble (solar) cover.
  11. Personally I would go with steel walls, vinyl liner. In cold climates (like NY) it will hold up better over the years with the freezing and thawing of the ground. With concrete you will have cracking and chipping of the concrete and it will continually need to be repainted.
  12. You can add the chemicals at any time. It doesn't matter weather the spa is hot or not. You should balance the water first (PH, alkalinity, hardness and metals), then add the bromine or chlorine.
  13. Amen, Amanda, I feel the same way. I didn't even want to come here when there was all this crap going on. Keep up the good work Dr. Spa and Chas.
  14. Ozone does not mean NO chemicals, it just means you don't need to add as much oxidizer. You still need to balance the water (PH, Alkalinity, Hardness) and keep a sanitation residual in the tub - either chlorine, bromine or other non-chlorine. Chemical usage and replacement water are part of the costs of having a spa. This should have been explained to you when you purchased it. You may not need to change the water every 2 to 3 months. You may be able to go as much as 6 months. Best thing to do is "bite the bullet". Remember it may cost you a little bit to maintain the spa, but it's worth it every time you get in!
  15. It's called a "Bug House" or Scum Bug. It goes in the skimmer basket and traps fine silt or debris before it gets into the filter system. It's kinda like a pantyhose stretched over the skimmer basket.
  16. Tumbleweed is right about the increase in the amp draw. That is why we don't use 2-speed pumps on our pools, they wear out much faster than a good well-built one speed pump. I would take the advice of the pool co. It will take about 12 hours for every gallon of water to go through the filter, then you can turn it down to low for the other 12 hours. Not to knock your decision, but if you are trying to "save every dime", why did you buy such a big pool in the first place? Your pool holds about 25,000 gallons, more than the average in ground pool, so naturally you are going to spend more money for maintence, chemicals, covers.........everything.
  17. I agree with the above comment. Shop at the fair, but don't let them push you into buying there. If it's a deal, it will still be a deal next week. Shop at the fair, but go to the dealership to talk to the actual people who will you will be dealing with for many years to come.
  18. We recommend to our customers to do a standard 3' concrete sidewalk right around the pool, (which we guarantee) then do brick or stamped concrete from there out. It looks nice, holds up better and isn't slippery right around the pool.
  19. It also helps if you have some idea where the leak is. You can't just put the leak detector in the middle of the pool and expect it to go find the leak. Don't we wish!!! Do you have an underwater light? Check around it and any other inlets, steps, etc. that are cut into the liner. Good Luck.
  20. I would suggest switching to bromine rather than chlorine. Bromine is more effective in higher water temps. Either way you will need to drain the tub and change the filter. Baquaspa is NOT compatible with chorine, bromine or anything else.
  21. If you're just looking for a basic spa it sounds like a pretty good deal, especially if you have the dealer to back it up.
  22. I agree with all of the above. 5 filters seems excessive and unecessary.
  23. Try Pristine Blue. It is a good way to sanitize your tub without using harsh chemicals like chlorine or bromine. Go to Pristineblue.com to find a dealer near you.
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