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Everything posted by NewB@Spa

  1. Well I just shoked to 10ppm using Nitro's method. My plan is to test tonight just to ensure I have sufficient. Next I will test tomorrow to establish CD. I don't plan to use the tub until I get a few days into the chlorine adding
  2. Added about 1 capful of Ph Down and it still seems a little high ~7.8 Should I add more Ph Down and re-measure in a couple hours? I am waiting until I get my Ph balanced before moving on to my T/A and Dichlor
  3. Well I am back...Just purged with Spa Flush and drained (it was way too cold the last few weeks). Now refilled and started balancing. As with Nitro's instructions I started with CH. Measured ~70ppm with drop kit (man I don't know why I did not get one earlier!). Added 4oz of Calc Chloride and will retest for CH shortly then move onto PH. Just as a benchmark I tested my PH (before the Cal Chloride was added) and it was ~8.2. I assume that will change once the CH rises?
  4. Well I guess I am a little lucky. Got home from work today ~24 hours after I shocked yesterday and took a reading and it is ~3 to 4ppm the same as it was this morning. Just for good measure I dropped 2 oz in and will measure before I soak tonight. I appreciate all the help. I am sure I will be back for more...later
  5. Any recommended MPS? My dealer gave me EZ Spa and I think that exacerbated my startup issues. I am going to check my FC level when I get home. Unfortunately (or fortunately...) I am going on vaca 12/14 and returning 1/1 - any recommendations for trying to maintain the breakthrough (if it that) I acheived?
  6. I don't normally weigh in on such passionate debates because everyone has relevant points on each side. I too just bought a HT, in Oct, after the exhaustive online and around town search (yeah and I danced the dance!). What makes the HT search infinately more difficult than auto shopping is the lack of direct correlated competition. If I go look at a Jacuzzi I get one price than when I go across town to the Hot Springs dealer I get different prices - I get that, they are different companies/products (but there is a lot of smoke and mirrors). Where as when you buy a car typically there is more than one dealer of a particular make of car in your area, unless you are truly going high end. The issue with the HT industry is that the avg consumer doesn't know what is "high end" and what isn't (again the smoke and mirrors and very little track record). There is very little consumer advocacy out there (with the notable exception of forums like this). Even Consumer Reports won't tackle the issue! I know I did not buy a high end tub, but in the end I did not buy from Big Box either. I felt uneasy about the curb drop and zero post sale service.
  7. Before I do a re-fill would it be beneficial to pre-test my water before I put it in to determine a BL? I should be able to get accurate readings for CH, TA and PH. I am certain I will need to adjust CH up (tap water is typically ~50ppm). I should only take a reading once water gets to > 80?
  8. Well this is where I am...shocked yesterday with ~17oz of 6% and read ~10ppm before I went to bed, this morning it reads ~3ppm so my CD is ~70%? I just "supershocked" again and will check when I get home from work. Maybe I got a breakthrough?
  9. Okay aside from recommendations to decon here is where I sit now...this afternoon I "shocked" with ~16oz 6% clorox @~6PM reading for FC was ~10ppm (15 minutes later). One hour (7 pm) later took reading (again with strip) still ~10ppm. At 9:15 reading is steady at ~10ppm. Will test again in the morning to see where I am.
  10. Nitro, I am definately going to take your advice. Who am I to swim upstream against the experts. One question however - in step 11 of your Decon instructions you state to shock with Dichlor to 10ppm. How do I calculate 10ppm? Use the pool calculator? Of course this comes after balancing right? I have hear/been told that the correct way to balance is in this order 1) CH ~150ppm, TA ~80ppm and finally PH ~7.2?
  11. Yeah, most hardcore bikers I have found can be desk flippers if provoked
  12. tadaia, you say you want to install an after-market stereo? Where did you find one? Unfortunately when I bought mine I got a little cheap an opted for a model without integrated stereo. I now regret it.
  13. I think it might make sense to just wait until I get back, do a drain and fresh fill and implement the "Nitro method". The thought of draining in January isn't very appealing!
  14. Haven't attacked it...yet. The 2+ feet of snow put a crimp in my soaking/chemical balancing! This afternoon I am going to the store and load up on economy sizes of 6% bleach and try your suggestion. Still don't have a drop test kit and probably won't have the opportunity to aquire one until after the holidays...which creates another issue. Going away the week of Christmas, any recommendations to keep FC from crashing? Can you recommend a good MPS shock?
  15. I thought you only add Borates during your new fill unitl your CYA is 20 - 30?
  16. I am a NewB, but IMHO I would follow Nitro's advice (in the Chemistry forum) and decontaminate the tub first - no telling what went on/through the tub before you got it. I know you are stoked to get in and enjoy a nice soak after a stressful day @ work, nothing beats it...well maybe one thing... There is also a useful thread (again from Nitro) on a Dichlor/Bleach regimine. It only took me a month and my water is screwed up based on advice from my dealer. When the weather is nicer I am refilling and taking Nitro's advice. One last thing...buy a new filter and a good drop test kit.
  17. No peroxide products that I am aware of. My dealer started me on Dichlor and EZ Spa (1x weekly). I guess EZ Spa is an MPS shock?
  18. After adding the Clorox....what was your FC reading??? That is an insane amount of chlorine to be burning through...are you or have you in the past used any peroxide products? The reason I ask is that peroxide does neutralize chlorine and vice versa. My only suggestion would be to add 17oz again, and test in 30 minutes, record that FC reading and test in another 30 minutes, then I would add the calculated amount of chlorine to get you back to where you should have been after adding 17oz. I would continue to do this until I saw no measurable change in 30 or so minutes....or until my chlorine demand was at about 25% per day. I might keep my tub at the shock level for a day or so just to make sure its all dead. Another question, are you running an ozonator? If so, that can contribute to overzealous chlorine demand. 30 minutes after I put the clorox in I took a reading (again with strips) and in my guesstimation FC was probably between 4 and 5
  19. I have an ozanator, and since the chem has been screwed up coupled with the fact that we had > 24 inches of snow yesterday the spa has not been used since I put the Clorox in Friday. Tomorrow after work I will get a gallon bottle of Clorox and try your every 30 minute suggestion. Your input is greatly appreciated.
  20. Well I dumped in 17 oz clorox yesterday - 1/2 later got a good FC reading. Great! This morning NOT! Looks like it is back to 0! I know it is going to need a refill, but I don't see me attempting that until I get a warmish day in January (snowing right now). Any other recovery tricks?
  21. See how to work the calculator - that was easy, but how do I know I want to push it to 18ppm? I guess if I put in 60 CYA it will tell me that?
  22. I just went through the process myself this past fall. Selected a Hawkeye Venus (5-6 person, no lounge). I felt a bit daunted at first also - but then I boiled it down to what MY requirements were. I agree most hot tub places are snake oil salesman...I almost went with the internet/wholesale route, but in the end opted for local, delivered and setup for ~5,900. Only bad thing is I think they got me on a weekly chem regimine that is causing me issues, but I think Nitro and the gang are going to help me down a happy path. I opted for no lounger because everyone told me that you float too much
  23. Thanks, tub isn't dirty by any stretch - I can see clearly through to the bottom. I guess that is what is throwing me for a loop. When you guys through out terms like "you will need to take it to about 18ppm FC, which would be 14ounces of bleach. Again, based on a 375 gallon tub." How are you calculating that? BTW my tub is ~425 gal, I keep it ~102/103 degrees
  24. I am just thrilled about the color matching with the drop kits
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