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Everything posted by downwind

  1. Richard, the Pool School is a GREAT resource. Incidentally, the bottle of MoMorProblems has no more info than the MSDS. Thanks much for the advice. Dan
  2. Richard, I just joined the forum after stumbling across it while looking for info on liquid chlorine for addition to my 27,000 pool in central Texas. Your knowledge of pool chemistry and willingness to share it is AWESOME !! As hot as it gets in Texas, my 20 year old pool has finally stabilized with absolutely no trouble for the past few years, with a sanitizing combination of MPS, CalHypoChlorite, and a few tabs in a floater, but I think the key is regular adds of a product called NoMorProblems. I also have had concerns with high CYA levels, which is my reason for investigating cutting off the stabilized tabs and going to liquid chlorine. Any comments on the NoMorProblems additive? Dan
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