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Everything posted by sharper4

  1. I have one of those Intex Sand n Sun pools that we love. We use it a few times each week but I noticed that after use it sometimes has a lot of grass and stuff at the bottom. Is there an easier way to clean it other than me getting in the pool with that vacume? What do you do or use?
  2. I finally resorted to going down to the local Wal-Mart and purchasing 100 bags of 10 pound ice. I mean - I just waited things out and its already down to 88* which is very close to where it started. Its already much more enjoyable. Its amazing how much a few ticks on the thermometer can affect comfort.
  3. Your on a site designed to help people solve problems with their pools... its natural that you might find more people on here asking for help with something. Truth is that an AGP is a great investment and you'll find yourself enjoying it quite often. Should you run in to questions with setup, chemicals, or anything else, we're always here to help. They aren't this popular for no reason at all, that's for sure.
  4. I left for a 4 day vacation last week. While I was gone, I covered the pool just to make sure it was kept as clean as possible. The daytime temps avg about 100* and when I returned the water temp has risen from a consistent 86/87* to 94*. With the pool cover off I have found the temp to drop about 3*, but 91* water is still REALLY warm. Is there a way to cool the water (shy of replacing the water)?
  5. Click Here for Setup & Installation Pics Sorry - I don't have a clue how to link to an individual picture. It was giving me an error and I don't see a link to upload the photo, so you'll just have to click the link above to view my gallery from setting up the pool.
  6. I shocked initially to get it up to par, but since then I've only used chlorine tablets in that little float thing. Now in a reality, I've only had the pool open for about 2 wks and I know I'm not the best person to answer your question, but I've heard that once the chlorine levels out that the floater should do the trick with minimal shocking required. Also - we haven't had hardly a drop of rain in the past few weeks and I know that will throw things off considerably.
  7. I have the stock filter that comes with the 18'x4' Easy-Set pool and I think its only rated at 1500 gph. Although it keeps up nicely with the chore I have considered upgrading to a higher model if something goes out on this. If you get it, or others have tested it out, could you be sure to report back your findings?
  8. Our afternoon temps are averaging in the mid to upper-90F's and the low temps are normally in the 70F's. My pool stays at a consistent 84*F all day long and I think its about ideal. Its warm enough in the evening to be very comfortable in yet cool and refreshing to step in to during the afternoon sun.
  9. I would probably start by calling your grader back out and asking him to level the yard. Isn't that what you paid him for to begin with? Then just make sure that your level area is firmly compacted, evenly. I don't know how good crushed and compacted granite would feel on your feet under the liner, nor how well the liner might hold up.
  10. I'd say you could probably just get away with a tarp or something, but not much else.
  11. I have the Sand n Sun 16. Awesome pool. My only advice...put a layer of sand down to put the pool on top of. gives ya a nice smooth/soft padding underneath, padding between the pool and the ground/rocks. Works great! Hate nothing more than putting the pool up only to feel a rock coming thru the bottom after a week or so. For my 16...it took two tons of sand. About 40 bucks from the place I got it. I may not know better, but I heard that you were not supposed to use sand. (Maybe a little to flatten out a few small areas where a minor hole is, but not to put the pool on). I heard that the sand acts like tiny little marbles and can allow the pool to more easily shift and "roll" down the slightest of all slopes. I guess it would depend on how much you used, but 2 tons is an entire base.
  12. From what I've read, that's the same pump that comes with the 18' pools and is inadequate for them. But, given you have less water to circulate, it may be powerful enough for you. If you can find the 2500 gph unit, that would probably be the best choice. This is all speculation though from my reading - my pool arrives this week and I can speak to real life experiences after that.
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