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Everything posted by baroquevenus

  1. You won't believe this but after talking to the zoning office who three weeks ago said no problem(I'm in a flood area) said he had to go check it out with some one else. Anyway he called back today and said after reviewing the plans and definations of the township etc. They found no reason that we couldn't have a pool---what a relief. Boy that was a tense 24 hours. May be for all you people who are looking into getting a pool I'll post exactly what happens so you can learn from my mistakes. MISTAKE #1---Do not mess with the zoning officer. If he says see Linda on Saturday don't call back like I did to ask a question, just go see Linda. Any way we are getting the following: 18x40x28x12 True ell, Steel Cardinal, 6' steps because of where I want them 8' won't fit. Sand Filter 244Hayward, Colorlogic light, Loop-loc safety cover, solar cover w/o reel, diving board,28mil liner, vermiculite bottom,2 returns and 2wide mouth skimmers,vac and autovac(dirt devil)(brand PG(pool guy) reccommends. Anyone know about these?, Buddy seat, PG doing electric,and I think that's it. Cost for pool only$27,900 Well I hope this helps some one out there contemplating a pool.
  2. WE did it! We signed on the dotted line. We our now the proud owner of a soon to be made True L. Delivery date second week in July. Thanks for all your advice! Does any one want the details? Baro
  3. Thanks vp0101 I need someone to sort out all this stuff. I really don't know many people out here in PA with inground pools. One to be exact and they live where I used to live in PA so their guy is out. And where I live now, well they are mostly Amish( not knocking the Amish)but they don't have bathrooms much less a pool. I really like Sterling Pools by Fort Wayne but the two guys that put them in out here are way higher(even taking into account apples and oranges), like about $4500 more. Are Sterling Pools a higher priced pool vs. Cardinal? My other Question is liners, I see a lot of liners with the exact same patterns are they all getting them from a vinyl manufacturer and then seaming them to size? I posted about Infinity pools but could not find anything about there constuction--anyone know? They also make the Esther Williams and Johnny Weissmuller pools(above ground). I think out of fustration I will just pick someone and get it over with! So quick, post before I make a huge mistake. Will check tomorrow around Noon. Thank you to everyone that has offered advice-- Baro
  4. Hi Anyone have any opinions on the Infinity pools by Delair Group? I cannot find any info on their pool construction or the reliability of their company. If you have info please share. Thanks, Baro
  5. Hi Everyone, I said I would be back and here I am. Ended up talking to another Pool guy, liked him but he was the most expensive of the bunch. I wouldn't mind paying more if I knew I was getting good work. But here lies the problem -Eastcoast this is for you-How can you tell if you have a good contractor? Years in business, satisfactory rating on BBB, Feelings, what? All you who can't sell me a pool give me a ball park price on the following: Steel, DE filter, vermiculite bottom, 28 mil liner, autochlorinator, auto cleaner(Kreepy Krawler or Barracuda model (?), 8'Steps, diving board, 3x3x4x8 concrete, fiberoptic lights, 6'Cantilever seats,and then the normal stuff excavation, backfill, 1 1/2 hp pump, if you include water, electric,ect. By the way the pool is a True L approx. 40x16x28 which holds around 40.000gals or appox 925sqft. Am I obessing over this? Should I just pick the cheapest, the guy I like, the closest, best rating on bbb,or the one whose pool company I like. I lean toward Sterling by Fort Wayne. Anyone have a feeling on Sta-rite pumps vs. Hayward? I WANT TO DECIDE TOMORROW, before this drives me crazy. Thank you all for your help!
  6. Hi Eastcoast, I know I haven't gotten a pool yet, but when we buy a Big Ticket item like a skidloader or a pool thee most important thing is service. I want to know that you'll be there when my pool turns black from pumping out of the river. Service is how we bought our skidloader; it was the most expensive brand but the service was exceptional. So when I look for a pool it is exactly the same thing ,who is going to be there to answer the questions and help fix the problem. Baro
  7. Hi East and Poollady, Pool installer #2 was here this evening. He was pretty in tune with #1 pool inst. Both go with 20 mil but #2 said I could hve a higher mil like 28 at no extra cost. #2 Thought cartridge filter the way to go but said sand would be less work but we might have a cloudyness to the pool especially during pollen season. #2 is doing Kreepy krawler autovac. Haywood light,vermiculate bottom, and steel panels. Haywood sand filter w/ 1 1/2 hp pump.#1 was only giving me a 1hp pump. #1 was giving me concrete. I'm hopeing to see the last guy before Friday and then we can tally up the results. Question--If the pool is 33,000 gal would the 1hp pump be adequate? Question-- #2 pool guy said he filled his pool from a river and never again. He said it had too much Mg and turned his pool black. Should I just go with trucking in water vs cost of chemicals to clean up the water? #2 PG(pool guy) said he would test the water for us, in the river, if we went with him.
  8. Hi eastcoast, Yes, filling from the river, sorta free water. Not really that bad I guess, the filter will need cleaning a lot in the first few days but hey. I used to swim in the river before I considered a pool and got bit by the hellgramites. I guess that's why Pool installer #1 suggested a Sand filter cause I'm not that particular. I bet DE filters clean better but they may need a lot of attention and I wouldn't notice the difference in the level of clean if I used to swim in a river. Well you just keep those suggestions coming and I'll have the nicest pool on the block. Tomorrow---Pool installer #2
  9. Hi Poollady-- Someone told me that 20 mil is stretchier and doesn't get as brittle as heavier mils, but heavier mils are more puncture resistant in the begininng but become more brittle with age. True or not? Second pool guy is coming tomorrow. I'll be back!
  10. Hey Eastcoast and Poollady, First guy came toinght. His recommendations are Steel, Portland and Sand Bottom, 20 mil liner, Sand filter,dolphin autocleaner, Hayward Heat pump and poollight. We decided on a True L instead, with 8'steps. and I guess all the normal stuff like excavation, gravel fill ,cement collar around footings. He will fill from the river behind our house. Cement walkway around the top of the pool is included. My question is, do pool installers normally include the electric hook-up ? Let me know what you think about pool installer number 1.
  11. I went and talked to 4 different companies today. Two are coming out this week to look at the site. So I may have more questions after they leave. I want you to know I'm glad we met here. You gave me knowledge that I needed to talk to these pool installers, without sounding too stupid I hope. Thanks.
  12. Wow, now I have two experts, Thank you so much for your replies. I have learned so much. So I guess gunite is out because of the freezing and thaw of the PA climate? Does everyone agree on steel panels in PA over fiberglass panels, they are fiberglass panels aren't they? Will fiberglass crack from freeze and thaw? And Vinyl atleast 27 mils? Filter-- I live on a tree farm, way out in the country, lots of debris--Sand or DE? Autocleaner--Polaris you mentioned with or without its own pump? Grecian True L more fuctional because you essentially have two areas, I guess? Poollady- I'm not sure what kind of system the Pristine Blue is, could you explain? One last question--I guess were not suppose to mention pool brands but for materials like the different panels and company of liners. Are Fort Wayne, Pacifica, Adventura, Wilkes, Rose(independent),( my closest companies) all about the same? Isn't the installer the most important unknown in the equation? And I want you all to know that I truly value your opinions. The zoning and building officers called today and assured me everything looked good to start. Now all I have to do is find the perfect pool and installer. Thanks Again!
  13. Eastcoast or anyone else, You seem to be my biggest supporter so can I run by you what I should get and any questions and could you add anything I forget? 1) Construction --How do you know you have a reliable installer? How does gunite differ from fiberglass? Is gunite in my price range? Does gunite need a frame work like fiberglass or is it applied right to the earth? And if we are going with a grecian true L would gunite still be best or is fiberglass just as good? Base material? AND most important is a Grecian True L , even though I like the appearance, is it a fuctional pool? 2)Filter-DE for sure? 3)Vinyl liners big difference in manufacturing? How many mil? 4)Yea on auto-cleaner with Grecian true L, NO "crawlers" Vacuum system what kind? 5) Saltwater system--are they easier and more effective? 6) I love to swim so I will look into a heat pump to extend the season, what size should I consider I'm looking at a 26X36X42 approx. 7)Light-- rotating color or fiber optic or just a plain one? I'm sure I missed something but I sure appreciate all the help, Thankyou!
  14. Thank you to everyone that responed. So you can help me futher I will give you additional data. Yes we are thinking in ground for sure. Our family likes the shape of the grecian true L. We are having a hard time deciding between galvinized steel, afraid of rust in years to come. Leaning toward fiberglass but wondering if it won't crack. Don't want tub pool not big enough. Budget around $25000to $30000. We are a wholesale nursery and do some landscaping so this will not cost us much except for wholesale materials. We have no rocks here. the soil is well drained and is almost sand like in places. Heard so many pro and con for vermiculite makes my head spin. I personally thought sand with portland hand molded sounded good to me ,very smooth but I don't know. Lighting yea or nay--does it attract a lot of bugs? I love to swim at night though. Auto-cleaner or no. Do they atleast cut done on vacuum time and would they work in a Grecian L pool? Heater --thinking just pay the up-front cost of the heatpump and save on gas, what do you all think? Ok , Now give me more advice, Please! Thank you all so much!
  15. We have never had a pool and are looking to buy one but there is so much info. out there. Our ground is very stable here and the water table is fine, so my question is, if you were me tell me what you would buy. I need to know everything and why. I need you all to help me to avoid all the pitfalls out there and have a pool we can enjoy for a long time. So start with construction to heaters to cleaners and filters, and everything inbetween. Thanks you in advance for your input!
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