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So we did a refill about three weeks ago and water fully balanced (numbers have been posted on here).

We had one couple for one hour with us and since then we have had a small amount of foaming in the tub and the water seems to "pop". This only when using the air feature of course.

Chlorine demand has been low and water is clear (bleach/dichlor).

I added SpaGuard AntiFoam 2-tsp three times over three different days with no improvement so I stopped. I also use a scum bug shaped like a sun.

My latest numbers:

TA: 50-55

pH: 7.5

FC: 5.0

CC: .4

CH: 240-250

The AntiFoam almost seemed to make it a little worse but maybe not.



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I've had foam a couple times since I got my tub in September. Now, the first thing I do when guests come over is run their suits through 2 rinse cycles before they get in.

Now, to get rid of the foam: I turn my tub jets on high with full air. Then I stand and scoop out the foam with a clean $0.99 dust pan from the dollar store. I scoop and scoop and scoop for 45 min to a hour till it stops mounding up. Then I turn the air off and shock it with spa guard enhanced shock 2-3 days in a row rinsing the filter each day. By that time it should be just about gone, so I add 2 oz of Leisure Time Bright and clear(works for up to 800 gallons according to the bottle) overnight WITH NO OTHER CHEMICALS OR POWDERS. I follow the instructions which tells you to have the air on full for like 2 hours then let it do its normal cycles. Let it do its thing overnight and the next morning I have a thick brown goo all the way around the water line. I wipe it off with a clean rag and follow around the water line with some vinigar on a different rag. After all that I end up with clear clean foam free water and a rule that everyone showers and rinses their suits before they get in.

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No. Exactly the same. It's soapish residue so like bubbles from a jar, it needs air to form I'd guess. That's why I turn the air on full for scooping. I found that it took 3 shocks to get it totally gone but you might need less. Just don't add anything else when/if you use the clarifier because it will bind your mps or ph changer or whatever other powders you add and make a mess.

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Since the foam doesn't linger, why is it a problem? Aesthetics? I'm a bit surprised you get foam given the relatively higher CH you have. I wouldn't raise the CH any higher since you want to avoid scaling, but you could add magnesium to the tub (such as from magnesium chloride flakes) since that will also bind to soap to prevent it from foaming (it forms soap scum instead, but that can be wiped off if you see it).

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