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Everything posted by jkgti

  1. This was just the information I needed to fix my tub. After changing the water in my 2007 Hot Spring Envoy I went to power it back up and the power light would just flash. Looking on the IQ 2020 board, I could see that when powering up the LIM OK light would light up for a few seconds, then turn off and the "CONTROL UNPLUGGED" light would come on. The circulation pump would run, but no heater, and no response to any of the controls on the main control panel. I had our local dealer come by and they quoted me a new control head because the display and buttons weren't working. That didn't quite sit right with me as to the reason for the issue... and then I found this post. This morning I took a look at the I2C interface and there were a couple things plugged into it. First, I tried disconnecting the LED light as suggested in this post. Still had the same issue. Then I followed the cables for the other things plugged into the I2C interface... one appeared to be a remote control receiver (part RFMR-1C) but I never had a remote for this tub, so I disconnected it. The other two things plugged into it seemed to go to the stereo which had been removed a long time ago, so I disconnected those two. When I flipped the breakers and powered it back up, BINGO! It's now running just fine. Glad I didn't have the dealer order the control head only to find out that wasn't the issue! Thanks for the post!!
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