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  1. Hey all, We bought a place that came with an Orca Bay Spa hottub (not sure of year) last year and we loved using it but towards the start of spring we noticed it had started sounding quite a bit louder for a few weeks. Figured something needs to be fixed but we decided to clean and drain it and deal with it this fall. Now that it is fall we have refilled the hot tub and fired it up, hoping that it would work, but it will not heat and we are getting an 'HL' error code. It did purge when first plugged in. Periodically the 'HL' error will be gone and it will allow me to run both levels of the jets, which work fine, but it does not heat up. It continually flashes between HL and a varying temp of 100-130' even though the water is cold. I noticed there's some calcium-like buildup all around the seal of the waterway tiny might circulation pump. Am I to assume replacing this pump should fix it or should I find a way to test temperature sensors or something first? Thanks, Jordan
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