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Megawisdumb last won the day on November 24 2022

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  1. On this Thanksgiving morning I am thankful for CanadianSpaTech as my spa is fixed for $25 thanks to his recommended process of things to check. I replaced the left sensor without draining the spa and didn't even get wet as only a half cup of water came out before I could screw in the new one. The old one looked brand new but obviously not as it powered up went to 100 and stayed overnight. I put a trash bag over the board just in case it did spray any water but it did not. CST if you send me your address I'll send you a proper Alabama thank you! Roll Tide!
  2. Powered off with solid HH on display, waited 5 mins then powered back on. Went through prime OK, low speed pump kicks in then set display to St at 100 with current water temp at 71. It ran for a few mins then shows water temp and Sn alternating. I've never seen Sn code before. Heat light is not coming on this time. I ordered the sensors just in case. When you denote risky changing full its more about controlling the flow all over everything than damage to heater correct? I live in an area that has ALOT of lime. I drain and vacuum my home water heater twice a year or it builds up to the bottom element and shorts it out. I use a prefilter on the water in the spa to try and cull as much of this as possible.
  3. Great advice CST Thank you. I recall seeing the HH last year a few times but a reboot seemed to resolve. If I do need to replace sensors do I have to drain the spa to replace them? I don't have plunggers on either side of the heater tube so I suspect its a yes but thought I'd ask.
  4. I planned to try out the dip changes today and when I get outside the pump is not running. However, I now have an HH on the display but the temp is not 80 degrees so maybe the sensors are an issue....
  5. It is a 240v setup in Alabama. I purchased it new in 2019 and have not had this issue before. I only use in cool months so this issue was noticed on startup this past weekend. I have restarted several times and adjusted cycle settings via the control panel to F8 then back to F1.
  6. I have a Balboa VS300 series PN 56070 and the damn filter cycle runs 24/7. It is a single pump and manual states single pumps do not have continuous filtration AND the low speed will auto time out after 4 hours. It is set to F1 which should be 1 hour. I saw a post that stated changing the temp sensors would resolve this...any fact to this?
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