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Jackson Ave

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Everything posted by Jackson Ave

  1. That is a reasonable response, but the laterals were never broken. They were in perfect shape. It is a mystery to me where this debris is coming from. It only shows up in the pool if the pool filter is running.
  2. Hello pool community, I have a problem that I can't figure out with my pool. We bought our home with maybe a 25 year old pool and never met the sellers for information on the pool. In the last year or so, we started seeing this material that looks much like sand coming back into the pool. So I thought that there must be a problem with our Pentair sand filter. So before I replace my sand filter we hire a company to verify that there are no leaks in our plumbing. They tell me that the pool plumbing must be good, no leaks that might allow dirt from under the pool, into the pool. So I buy a new sand filter and have the same results. I used glass pea gravel at the bottom of the sand filter and glass media instead of sand, thinking that some how it is sand getting back into the pool. The debris does not get the water cloudy, water stays pretty clean. So if my sand filter does not run for the day, I won't see this material on the bottom. Help.
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