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  1. Thank you Loopcity, that confirm my idea
  2. Thank you for your reply Roger (and for the "Bonjour" ;o) ). in fact i wanted to know if there were one of those brand that i must not buy because you know that there product have often problems or so...
  3. Hello, i'm a french future new user of hot tub and as in france we don't have a long experience on hot tube spa, i'd like you to help me on choosing. in fact we've seen the chairman from D1, Rendezvous from Vita Spa, and we will go to see a Sundance one today. what i'd like to know is what you think about the brand (manufacturer?). is there one really better than another, with best quality? I won't tell you abouut price in France or you'll feel dizzy ^^ thank's in advance for your message and sorry for my vocabulary, i'm french... (and you've not heard my french accent ^^)
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