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  1. For $7k, I wouldn't buy a 6 year-old tub. The rest of your story just re-affirms that. My two cents: I'd wait until you moved in, and shop for a new tub, and take your time to get something nice, something you are sure you really want.
  2. Looking at the picture, that seems pretty severe -- just on an "I don't know if I could go to sleep with that kind of imperfection" basis.
  3. For me: - they seemed a bit too focused on glitz (lights, pop-up speakers, push-button scents) and jet count - not quite as comfortable in the seats - fit and finish on their higher-end models seemed half a step below the higher-end Jacuzzis (for example) Overall, I was left with an impression that their higher-end models are very nice... but not quite where the competition us. Just my impression!
  4. I just finished researching and buying a new tub, and I was willing to pay a premium for a high-quality larger-size tub to hold my family of 5. Based on my research: - I'd add Sundance to the list, based on the mechanical and design similarities with Jacuzzi (same company, manufacturing, often similar components). - This is very subjective, but during my own experience, I disqualified Marquis from the running fairly early on. YMMV. I had a bunch of dealers in my area (Silicon Valley / SF Bay Area), and I looked at the Jacuzzi 400 series, the Sundance 880 series, the Hotspring Highlife models, and the D1 Bay collection.
  5. I took a bunch of pictures this past week of my new J-470 being delivered, setup, and inaugurated. Verdict: it's awesome!
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