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Everything posted by tiredofnopoolight

  1. Hi Guys, New to the forum and hoping to get some kind of experienced opinion about a possible pool light. First a little insight. I purchased a home two years ago that had an older pool that needed major work done to it. It was trashed and I invested heavily into it. I had the pool re-concreted and then professionally lined with fiberglassed. It turned out absolutely beautiful and looking new. Here is the issue though. The niche is from American Products Company and the conduit box says the same. The niche's Outside Diameter is 6.25". Since day one, I've been trying to find a light to fit it. Most of what I find is around the 10" OD. In desperation I even order a Chinese light that was the approximate OD in mm. It was slightly smaller and fit nicely into the niche. But alas, to no avail because the wiring was not US friendly. I've asked my local pool shop but they're either too busy, don't care enough or simply don't know enough to find me something that works. I'm getting desperate and have already realized with the Chinese light that it doesn't have to be a perfect fit (it just has to fit inside the niche and it will work). Does anyone know of something in that diameter? Whether it be a pool or powerful spa light, I just don't care. I'm just tired of having a beautiful pool I can't fully appreciate at night. Thanks for reading and any insight you may provide. PS - My forum name might seem weird (tiredofnopoolight) but it states how I feel Tired Of No Pool Light! Lol.
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