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  1. Yes, it works if used properly. I just used it on a large inground pool where there was a leak in the return jets due to a concrete deck mud jacking job gone bad. I plugged all the return jets except two at either ends of the pool and, using a 5 gallon bucket as a reservoir, I forced the fix-a-leak into the jet on the side opposite the leak and discharged from the jet closest to the leak back into the reservoir. I used a cheap pump from Home Depot that pulled from the reservoir and fed the jet on the opposite side of the pool with garden hoses. Fix-a-leak works by plugging the leak as the heavy liquid that is suspended in the water seeps thru the opening. The key here is to force the heavy liquid thru the opening which would be a problem on the suction side of the pump. To fix a leak on the suction side you would have to reverse the flow and push water toward and thru the opening causing the leak which would be very difficult in many cases.
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