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Everything posted by Claude

  1. Urbam Lionne We have our pools and spas salt water too and, we have at the ealy stage, had a lot of foam in our hot tubs (Hotel use). We were told to stay on the high side of the calcium range (even above) and it works very well. We could not find the Sea Klear in BC, but since I am not even looking fo it. Cheers Claude
  2. Urbam Lionne We have our pools and spas salt water too and, we have at the ealy stage, had a lot of foam in our hot tubs (Hotel use). We were told to stay on the high side of the calcium range (even above) and it works very well. We could not find the Sea Klear in BC, but since I am not even looking fo it. Cheers Claude
  3. Thank you. We've just got off the phone with the rep. At the moment they are not distributed in Canada. We would like to give it a go to see if it makes any diference. I will look up for an online dealer. Thanks again Claude
  4. Hi, I wonder if someone can help me out. I have several bodies of water (Pool and Spas)to maintain, and we have been using Goldrite (SWG)for over two years now with quite a bit of success. We keep an eye on the phosphate level on a regular basis (as we found it was a major component of salt water chemistry), and we use Phosfree or Salt water Magic to keep the readings to a minimum. We have noticed as soon as we pour one of them in the hot tubs, it gets really foamy. We use a foam free product but I found a bit annoying to have to add another silicone based product which provide result only temporarly. I am not not even sure that does not create other issue down on the road (clogging filter or ??). Do you guys have the same issue in your SWG hot tubs?? Is there any other natural chemical that can control the phosphate level without generating so much foam?? Thank you Claude
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