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  1. I cannot say that I have tried both but I can tell you no matter which tub you buy the Beachcomber will the be most affordable to operate. I've owned two 750E's (currently still own one) and I'm planning to get another one when I get my new tub. The 750E is almost %50 more efficient than the Sundance Maxxus. I know price is always an issue upfront but not many people realize the cost of operation can be a "real" ongoing issue (and one that you cannot control) if you don't purchase the right product from the start. See the numbers for yourself: http://www.appliances.energy.ca.gov/QuickSearch.aspx Thanks we did decide to go with the 750. Partly because of the efficiency but mostly because the dealer was great and it was questionable how long the Sundance dealer would be around, since he just bought out someone in November.
  2. We have tried the Sundance Chelsee and found the footwell to be too shallow. We are interested in the Optima but can't find one to try out. Does anyone know if the footwell is deeper on the Optima? Just need to know if we should continue searching for one to try. Otherwise we will be deciding between the Sundance Maxxus and the Beachcomber 750E. We have tried both and like the Maxxus the best but the energy efficiency of the 750E might tempt us. It will come down to price and how we like the dealers.
  3. We did our first wet tests this last week. First stop Sundance - the did not have an Optima available so we tried the Maxxus (same jetting as the Optima but bigger with a lounge) and then the Chelsee which is close to the same size and layout of the Optima. We absolutely loved the Maxxus. Loved the control you have in each seat of your own jets without compromising other seats. Loved the quietness. We could run the 2nd pump on low and have a really nice pressure of massage in 2 seats and have the waterfall going and it was quiet! Nice foot and leg jets. Only downside was the that we weren't looking for a lounger because we prefer to have more seating but this tub is so big I don't think that will be a problem. Chelsee was too shallow for us from the seat to the footwell. The Optima is 1.5" deeper but not as deep as the Maxxus and not as deep as our current Coast. I think we still need to find a Optima to wet test before we make a final decision. Next top was Hot Springs. We were interested in the Grandee but found out that will not work for us. The access panel is on the 8'4" side of the tub and we need it to be on the short side like the Maxxus is. Since we were there we decided to try the Envoy. A couple nice things like the MotoMassage. But too many things we didn't like. It would feel very crowded in the feet / leg area if you had 5 people in this tub. So it isn't big enough. Did not like the waterfall at all. Did not like the control system for the jets. If you wanted the MotoMassage working that diverter had to be turn all the way to that seat so another hardly got anything. Lack of control was our biggest complaint on this tub. Will hopefully test the Beachcomber in the next couple days.
  4. Thanks - good thing to consider. We have developed a shelf system to slide the cover off out over the open end of the deck, so this is not a concern.
  5. Thanks for all the replies. spatech - yes, we plan to take a look to see if it looks like an easy fix. I'm sure that would be a lot cheaper. But we are over 3 hours away and haven't had a chance to see for ourselves. It is possible the heater might have gone out too. Any idea what that would cost to replace? We do plan on wet testing each in the next couple weeks. So far all of our research has been online. I think I have to eliminated the Hot Springs Grandee because I am guessing the access panel is on the long side of this tub under the control panel. We have a 97-98" square opening where the current one sits but figured we could easily extend further out the open end of the decking. But access panel must be on that side. Does anyone know if the sizes specified for the Sundance and Beachcombers are the actual size of the cabinet? Coast has two sizes - one is the hot tub size such as 91x91 but then has a size with the top rail of 96x96. Just need to know if any of the others are the same.
  6. We have a 2000 Coast Bahama Millenium but I think it might be time to replace it. It has been running continuously for almost 12 years (this summer) and we have loved it. FYI - this is a cold weather location - North Wisconsin. Very few problems. - replaced circuit board (no cost - covered under warranty) - replaced 1 pump - fixed some leaking gaskets last spring after a leaking problem This last problem has led us to believe it needs to be replaced. Technician said the gaskets were corroded and there may be more with the problem but fixed the ones that were leaking. Now have another leak that has drained the tub. We have not had anyone to look at it yet. Not sure it is worth the service call. So I have started to research what we might replace it with and have come up with the following: Sundance Optima Beachcomber 750 Hot Springs Grandee Coast Bahama, Freedom or Manhattan We have not done any wet testing or even seen these in person yet. We have contacted dealers in our area via email. The Sundance, Beachcomber, Hot Springs are all available from dealers within 45 miles. The Coast is a bit further but is the company that has done service on our existing tub (but did not buy it there). What is important to us: - good massaging jets - comfort - foot massage jets - tub for 6+ - quality - good cold weather efficiency What we don't want: - lounger - audio system - special water features Questions: 1. Is the beachcomber hybrid a good choice for cold climates? 2. We currently use bromine - and have no problem with it. What are the advantages of some of the newer systems - Salt? 3. Hot tub will be surrounded by raised decking on three sides so only tubs with one sided access panels will work - I think all of the above fit that. 4. Are any of the above easier to winterize (or leave unattended for 1-2 months). We have never winterized before we have always kept it running but know that the next couple years it will have limited winter use because it is not at our primary home.
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