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  1. Thanks, Chem Geek! I'll take a look at this later. I'm sure I'll have more questions then! Have a good Sunday, and a Happy New Year! Reese.
  2. Greetings Chem Geek and Waterbear! I'm new to the forum, and I find the advice you are offering here very interesting, mainly because it is a position I haven't seen much of. Most of the information I have accessed makes it seem like dichlor is the conventional method for chlorine sanitation, and that sodium hypochlorite is undesirable due to its low concentration of chlorine, high pH, TDS issues, and short shelf life. In these other sources, CYA is not a concern until it reaches levels above 100ppm, which takes about 3 months in my spa. Most of the dichlor users that post on other forums seem to be able to go 3-4 months or longer with the same water as well, with few reports of decreased sanitizer efficiency, even though their CYA levels must be much above the levels you recommend. I've read a few of each of your posts, but haven't come across any that address the pH and TDS issues, and I'm still not clear on why your CYA recommendations are so much lower than others I've seen. Can you expand on these issues, or direct me to any information that would help me understand the differences in opinion? Thanks in advance! Reese
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