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  1. I'm really happy we are not in the Middle Ages anymore. Otherwise you would start to chase me and burn me as a witch. It seems there is only one opinion in this forum. Somehow I thought a forum is for exchanging opinions? First: DIN 19643 is for drinking water. We don't use chlorine to have the water desinfected. To have a private hot tub accordingly to DIN 19643 you need an overflow chanel, sandfilter, disinfection system. You have to exchange, clean and disinfect the whole water of the hot tub twice each hour. Such a plant cost about 20000 Euro which is about 28000 Dollar. So don't talk to me about DIN 19643 when you are taking some chlorine with your hand and throw it in your hot tub. This does not correspond to DIN 19643. Second: You are talking about killing time. You are right. But only when I'm sitting with 30 strangers in one hot tub. Than, the killing time is very important. I wouldn't like to have the diseases of the other people. But when I'm sitting in my private hot tub together with my wife and my children I don't care about killing time. The water has the whole night time to get clean. As I said: DIN 19643 is only for public hot tubs. Third: Not all bacterias are harmful. You never should take a bath in a lake or a river. It is full of bacterias. And the bacterias help to have the lake or river clean. Your body has more bacterias than cells. I should fill you with chlorine to get rid of all the bacterias in your body. It is really not EPA approved. I'm sorry for beeing sharp (and for abusing your language). But I think it is allowed to have an opinion. I know, I will never convince you. But looking at something from different sides is always better than claiming all people are idiots because they don't believe in EPA.
  2. We did a microbiological analysis with SpaBalancer: Microbiological analysis according to DIN 19643 laut Labor Dr.Fintelmann und Dr.Meyer GmbH Water was 3 month old. Around 5 to 10 people were using the hot tub weekly. They didn't take a shower before. Ozonataor was switched off 4 weaks earlier. Filtering time 2 x 3 hours per day. Coliforme Keime in 100 ml <1 (EN ISO 9308-1) Escherichia coli in 100 ml <1 (EN ISO 9308-1) Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 100 ml <1 (EN ISO 12780) Legionella in 100 ml <1 (ISO 11731) DIN 19643 is only for public use. For private hot tubs there is no regulation in Germany.
  3. Hi Waterbear, I don't intend to make you angry. And I really appreciate you kowledge. I also was working with chlorine more than 10 years. And I'm still selling chlorine products. And Chlorine is really the strongest disifectant known. But maybe you just read these two artikles: http://ehp03.niehs.nih.gov/article/fetchArticle.action?articleURI=info:doi/10.1289/ehp.1001959#abstract0 http://www.bidness.com/esd/showering.htm There are many more artikles. Just search: chlorine, trihalomethane, cancer. You claim that the water has to be free of germs to be clean. You are right. When the water is free of germs it is clean. But when I test spring water I will find millions of germs. Is it polluted? Or is it clean? Has a water to be free of germs? Or only to be free of some special germs? Yes, we have tested SpaBalancer. Some results are: SpaBalancer was tested for 12 months in a whirlpool used each week by between 4 and 12 different people. The ozonator was also switched off for 2 months, and it still functioned even then. After 2 months of use without the ozonator, the water was microbiologically examined by the Dr.Fintelmann laboratory. The result: Coliform bacteria in 100 ml: <1 (EN ISO 9308-1) Escherichia coli in 100 ml: <1 (EN ISO 9308-1) Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 100 ml: <1 (EN ISO 12780) Legionella in 100 ml: <1 (ISO 11731) The whirlpool is still in use (12 months without a change of water). The water is clear, clean and odour-free. Cushions are no longer breaking and plastics are no longer attacked. But there are a lot of germs still in the water. But not each germ is dangerous to the body. And for people who are afraid of germs: You can schock the water with chlorine weekly if you like. I'm using SpaBalancer for more than two years now. And I'm still alive. The water is always clean, soft and fresh smelling. I don't do anythig except putting 50 ml SpaBalancer into the water. Once a week. All two weeks I clean the filter. Thats it. The water is 15 months old. I have more than 600 customers. And I give a money-back-warranty. I don't want to cheat people. Please tell me why 600 people are using SpaBalancer and have no problems? A lot of my customers with asthma, dry and sensitive skin or neurodermatitis can enjoy their spas again. A lot of them didn't use the spa any more. Maybe they did a lot of things wrong. It is not very easy to handle disinfectants. And in Germany we don't have a forum like this where people like you (with a huge knowledge) explain everyting about water care. And then people tend to make mistakes. Since SpaBalancer is very expensive not many people will use it. But in the end: We are living in a free country. Nobody is forced to buy such a product. When you say, SpaBalancer is snake oil (very interesting expression-we don't have it in german) than it is fine with me. I don't want to persuade you. I just offer something different.
  4. Hi Rob, the cost's are quite high. Thats right. But on the other hand you don't need so many other chemicals. And you don't need to change the water as often as with chlorine. I changed my water after 17 month. And it is much more healthy than chlorine. Chlorine is killing all bakterias on your skin. And your skin needs all the bakteria. Without them, the skin will get dry and itchy. Most of my customers got trouble with their skin after 2 to 3 years with chlorine. And beside, using chlorine will build up trihalomethane in your spa. And this is causing cancer. Also the skin is absorbing chlorine in a high rate. Did you ever smell your skin after you have touched freshly chlorinated water. It smells very strong. For me enough reasons to look for something else. The 75 ml per week is to much. After 4 weeks you will only need about 40 ml per week. Most of my customers buy 3 to 4 bottles a year. One customer with a Hotspring took only one bottle for a whole year. SpaBalancer will react with the amount of pollution in the water. It doesn't matter how big the spa is. Having a good ozonator, using the spa 3 times a week with 2 people and you will need only 30 ml each week. You can try it. If you don't like it you can go on with chlorine without changing water. If you want to have a bottle of SpaBalancer send me a mail: info(at)aqua-whirlpools.de I will send a bootle free of charge.
  5. The same situation we have in germany. The prof's say it can't work and the customers are just using it and they are happy with it. You are right. Homeopathy is questionable. But some time ago we believed that the world is a plate and it would be very dangerous to get to the edge because of falling down.
  6. Hi Newbie, First of all, please forgive my bad English. I'm a german dealer of SpaBalancer. I have more than 600 customers using SpaBalancer. I give a money-back-warranty. The last 2 years I only had 8 customers who where not satisfied. SpaBalancer works without Chlorine. The science behind SpaBalancer is the same as homeopathic medicine. But it is not accepted by science. I don't care. As long as it works. If you like I send you a bottle of SpaBalancer free of charge. Just give it a try.
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