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Everything posted by springschauers

  1. I have a Caldera, Tahoe Series 2000, and I had to replace one of the nuts on my heater that had broken with a split nut and had shut the knife valves on the right side to stop the water from rushing out and couldn't get it to completly stop flowing so I closed the other two valves on the left side, which also didn't help so I resorted to puting a mayonaise jar under the leaking heater and continues to remove it alternating jar for a glass every minute or two until it was removed, fixed and then replaced again including screwing in electrical panel. I was feeling really good until I tryed to open the knife valves and they wouldn't open. Do I need to releive pressure from the inlet union before they'll open or did I really blow it by not lubricating them before closing them? To make matters worse I broke the handle on the far right valve off (whaaaah). I haven't put any chemicals in yet because I just finished filling it and found the leak in the heater when I first turned it on to make sure everything was still working. I forgot to mention the fact that I had recieved a flow message on control panel and replaced the pressure switch before the heater started leaking. I had glued the nut last year that I just replaced and I thought it was pretty darn good to have held up this long. That's all of it! Can you help me? I'm a 57 yr. old woman just trying to do it right(guess I already messed things up.. huh). Thank you for your time in reading this rather long request, and I'll be patiently waiting for a reply so I can get started again. Sincerely frustrated, Deanna Ps I'm hoping to beable to pull the broken valve stem down for now. I know I'm probably dreaming.
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