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Roy G Biv

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Everything posted by Roy G Biv

  1. Hi Guys, I have an in-ground spa/pool combination and I get only the pool portion winterized. Last year, I'd come back after 7 days, and always find the water level of the spa barely at the skimmer line. If I were to be away from 2 weeks, my pump would run dry. It may be evaporation (although I have a thermal blanket) or a leak... who knows. Anyways, I wanted to know what a good "resting" temperature for the spa is; that is, the temperature it falls back to when not in use. I figure that if it's too hight, it may explain my water loss. I have a Jandy Aqualink RS4 and have no clue where I can adjust this "resting temperature"... Help would be appreciated!!
  2. UPDATE: Ok, looking in the manual for the Jandy Aqualink RS8, I see that there is a "MAINTAIN TEMP" setting where the "low" temp can be set... and I have an Aqualink RS4, which I checked out, and of course, lacks this setting...sigh..
  3. I have a Jandy Aqualink PDA, and I can't figure out how to set the "resting" or minimum temperature for the tub.... Any help? Am I supposed to adjust the heater directly? It seems to be set to 69 right now.... Thanks!
  4. I have a pool and hot tub hooked up to a Jandy Aqualink RS4. My pool guy winterized the pool, and left the hot tub on, as I wanted. Unfortunately, when the system is put back into "Auto" from "Service", it switches from "Spa Mode" to "Pool Mode"! It won't stay in Spa Mode when switched out of service.... Any ideas? Thanks! ps. cool forum
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