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Posts posted by floridawen

  1. I have been reading here about people with 5 - 10 year old Spas LEAKING around the Jets and it certainly frightens me.............. is it mostly certain Manufacturers or do they ALL leak as they get old?? I am quite worried now about this "problem"......................... :huh:

    No, they don't all leak. I have a 20 year old Jacuzzi that has never leaked. There are two main reasons that a tub springs leaks, either it's a poor quality tub or the tub has been abused chemically.


    Or most commonly in my climate, they are improperly drained and left 'empty' during freezing season without being properly winterized.

    We are here in Florida (near Tampa) so I guess the "freezing" does NOT apply, although we occasionally get a few days in our "winter" that the temps. may hit 28 degrees. I imagine that is when we would leave the circulator and heater ON !!

  2. A few additional thoughts:

    1. Another reason not to get a new GFCI before you buy your tub is that some manufacturers (e.g., Hot Springs) include a GFCI as part of their package.

    2. Do not assume that all loungers are equal. Just because you don't like a lounge seat in one model doesn't mean you won't like one in a different model.

    3. Do not assume that 4-5 seats means that 4-5 people will fit comfortably. It just means there are places to put 4-5 butts. Check floor space. When you and your wife wet test tubs, see how much room your own feet have, Then imagine adding 4-6 more feet. On quite a few tubs, either those extra feet are little kids feet or you are comfortable with playing footsies with your friends.

    4. The temps in central Florida are warm enough that the debate over Full Foam insulation versus heated air insulation is virtually moot for you. But having previously lived in Jacksonville for 3 years, I would be concerned over bugs nesting under my tub (not so much of a problem in northern Ohio). Make sure the tub you like is sealed pretty well from the ground up. If a manufactirer offers a plastic base (either standard or as an option), it might be worth considering depending on the cost.

    Have fun.

    It all makes a lot of sense........ Thanks for the advice !!


    Wen & Martha

    Plant City, Florida

    No problem, it's what this forum is for. Definitely helped me plenty in my search. Be sure to report back with your final decision or if you have any additional questions in trying to make a decision.

    My Wife and I are going to take our time and look at the many Spas available, probably try a "wet test" or two. We will KNOW "the one" when we find it. Usually it's accompanied by a good salesperson and reputable dealership. Unfortunately I found out we only have wiring that terminates out back (where an old Spa used to be) with a 40 AMP breaker (not even G.F.C.I.) so I know an Electrician will be here installing 50 AMP wiring and breakers (G.F.C.I.).

  4. Searching for a spa can definitely been a long process. I personally spent 2 months researching and testing different brands. My my research I can tell you there are pros and cons with each brand. Ultimately you will need to wet test the models you are interested in to see if they are comfortable to you. Every brand is a little bit different and what may be best for one person is not necessarily true for the next. Probably not what you want to hear but it's the truth. I would say first list out what features are important to you. I.E. Lounger or not, 4-5 person, or 6 -7, tailored seating, or open aired design, need stereo & lighting or optional. Once you've decided what's must have and what is optional, then check with makes and models offer what you require. As you know there are several makes and models out there. The ones that are definitely on the top of the list as far as quality and features are: (listed in no particular order)







    I ended up purchasing a Caldera Niagara due to it having the best layout and features I wanted. As mentioned, also make sure to wet test. What looks good on paper may not end up being the best once you test it.

    Good luck

    THANKS SO MUCH for the great info, much appreciated !!

  5. This will be our first SPA and we are looking for a geat experience in quality of workmanship and a long lasting piece of enjoyable equipment, not frequent breakdowns or "problems" !!

    We were told that HotSpringSpas and CalderaSpas are the "best and most reliable" !! Can anyone HELP us here, THANKS !!

    Wen & Martha

    Plant City, Florida

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