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Everything posted by floridawen

  1. No, they don't all leak. I have a 20 year old Jacuzzi that has never leaked. There are two main reasons that a tub springs leaks, either it's a poor quality tub or the tub has been abused chemically. John Or most commonly in my climate, they are improperly drained and left 'empty' during freezing season without being properly winterized. We are here in Florida (near Tampa) so I guess the "freezing" does NOT apply, although we occasionally get a few days in our "winter" that the temps. may hit 28 degrees. I imagine that is when we would leave the circulator and heater ON !!
  2. I have been reading here about people with 5 - 10 year old Spas LEAKING around the Jets and it certainly frightens me.............. is it mostly certain Manufacturers or do they ALL leak as they get old?? I am quite worried now about this "problem".........................
  3. It all makes a lot of sense........ Thanks for the advice !!
  4. The heater won't run with the pumps on? Just funnin' with ya Gotcha' I'll certainly take your advice and will definitely WAIT 'till after I install the Spa, Thanks !!
  5. No problem, it's what this forum is for. Definitely helped me plenty in my search. Be sure to report back with your final decision or if you have any additional questions in trying to make a decision. My Wife and I are going to take our time and look at the many Spas available, probably try a "wet test" or two. We will KNOW "the one" when we find it. Usually it's accompanied by a good salesperson and reputable dealership. Unfortunately I found out we only have wiring that terminates out back (where an old Spa used to be) with a 40 AMP breaker (not even G.F.C.I.) so I know an Electrician will be here installing 50 AMP wiring and breakers (G.F.C.I.).
  7. When you refer to "wet test" do you mean actually go to the Spa store with a bathing suit under my shorts and then actually get INTO a filled hot tub........... do they let you do that ????
  8. THANKS SO MUCH for the great info, much appreciated !!
  9. This will be our first SPA and we are looking for a geat experience in quality of workmanship and a long lasting piece of enjoyable equipment, not frequent breakdowns or "problems" !! We were told that HotSpringSpas and CalderaSpas are the "best and most reliable" !! Can anyone HELP us here, THANKS !! Wen & Martha Plant City, Florida
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