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  1. Hey, just purchased a new tub. It's <gasp> and Infinity Laguna (the oft discussed Costco tub). Some may say that's my first mistake Here is my MAIN question, you can read the rest if you want, but this is what I really need help on. I pulled apart the top of the air diverters to make sure everything was sound and clean, because I'm noticing there isn't much air getting into the jet "streams" and turning the diverters makes ZERO difference. After opening them, I see a little ball down there, but it looks like they are stuck -- I assume they should be free moving. It almost looks like they are pressed in further than they should be. Doesn't look like the valves would allow any air in with where they are. Anyone know a solution to pull them out? They are jammed. EDIT to first paragraph Bit the bullet -- took a screw and drove it into the ball, pulled it out, filled hole left with a small dab of clear silicone. END EDIT to first paragraph Here's other stuff I've found out so far. Previous owner was not keeping water balanced, so there are floaties EVERYWHERE. I plan on making my first water change relatively quickly because of this, and because I need to level out the tub a bit (slope on slab gives about a 2" run off -- this is a 7.5" foot tub). Since it was a mess, I knew the jets would also be a mess, and many were very sticky. So, I started pulling all of them to clean and reinstall. A few of them were really stuck, but I was able to work them off safely with channel locks (I put some heat shrink tubing on the arms and some masking tape to keep from scratching things up). Two of my smaller jets were so tight I busted them pulling them out. Another smaller one I'm leaving in because I figure it will bust also. After cleaning all the jets thoroughly, I put them back in (no lubricant) and most of them turn easily now. A few of them, however, are still very tight. I didn't see any damage or warping. Can the jet "sockets" change shape/shrink over time and make it tougher to turn even when they are completely cleaned out? The waterfall on this tub -- the shutoff valve (adjustable) would not turn off the darn waterfall. I do not force things in repair, since it usually ends up trouble. I took apart the top of this valve and found that (what I believe to be) the manufacturer screwed up -- got some BLUE GLUE up into the valve and it created a high spot in the cylinder -- therefore, the valve could not seat, and could not turn off the waterfall. After about 30 minute of careful work trying to remove the stuck on blue glue, it works! So, win goes to new owner on that one. Anyway -- it's a pretty cool tub. Got a fantastic deal on it. No leaks. Heater heats up pretty quickly. Excited to be a first time spa owner.
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