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Everything posted by CoastCurveElite

  1. Seems every Tub manufacturer has 1 or 2 Lemons out in the market place . Just have to get lucky I guess . Owned Coast Spa since June and they've been great to deal with .
  2. What about the first measurements? 1st test was p.h. 7.8 t.a 120 C.H. 200 Have own test kit on way ordered it last week .
  3. What did you use to measure Calcium Hardness? Are you sure you measured Calcium Hardness and not Total Hardness (which includes Magnesium)? Water tested at Hot Tub dealer using their test setup . Reading right off Computer print out P.H. 7.8 T.A. 128 C.H. 320
  4. The only way CH will increase is if you add it. The only way to decrease CH is to refill with water that has less CH. What are you using to sanitize your tub? The Natural Hot tub Enzyme and Di-chlor .
  5. Baffled how in 1 month my Tubs C.H. level jumped from 200 to 320 ! Any way to correct ?
  6. http://s959.photobucket.com/albums/ae72/Re...mview=slideshow
  7. I 've owned my Coast Zenith Curve since June 3rd on this year and havn't had a problem yet . Are you worried about your local dealer or Coast head office ? I went through the whole wet test trials with other dealers also and found this TUB to be best bang for buck . i went with the black pearl with Mountain rock cabinet . Looks awsome , Great 20 Led light package also . Volcano jet rocks. here in WINNIPEG Paid $8499.00 w/ cover , lifter, steps , start up chemical , delivery . $100 to upgrade to matching Rock finish steps . Good luck
  8. For the few people who tried this already, how does it "look"? I might want to give it a go, but don't want the appearance of my nice cedar cabinet ruined by it sitting on some bright blue or pink insulation board sticking out all around it!! Just spray it black or grey as I did . can't even tell And how easy is that stuff for cutting? I have sort of an oval shaped tub and don't want square insulation sticking out from underneath..does the stuff cut easily (ie. nice clean cuts, not rough and chopped up looking when you're done)? Thanks! All you need is a utility knife . No problem
  9. For the few people who tried this already, how does it "look"? I might want to give it a go, but don't want the appearance of my nice cedar cabinet ruined by it sitting on some bright blue or pink insulation board sticking out all around it!! Just spray it black or grey as I did . can't even tell
  10. I put a 1 inch thick sheet of Blue Sm insulation on top of Patio blocks Then put down HT and filled . Being in Winnipeg thought it could only help with any cold coming from ground . Had Tub for 3 weeks now and hasn't even dented foam board yet. Had buddy over and he couldn't believe how quite Ht is compared to his . Must help with noise quite a bit .
  11. Just bought My Coast Zenith Elite last week also . From what I've read and talked to my dealer about this is a pre-set feature designed to prevent pipes from freezing in cooler temps . Runs in 1 min intervals several times daily . Nothing to worry about . Wasn't too sure at first either being new to hot tubing . My dealer has been awsome handling Hot Tub for DUMMIES questions .
  12. 1st time posting. New Tub owner . Just arrived this weekend . Filled , Heated , and Jumped in . Wet tested ; Beachcomber 420 Jacuzzi 345 Crown (local to Manitoba) and the Coast Zenith Curve . Looked at many many more , and heard the same old thing "were the best " . What turned me off some sales guys was the BASHING of other reputable companies . It's crazy some of the stuff I heard . Very Shady salesman We chose the COAST spa for its overall performance . Great fit 40" deep , Powerful deep massage (love the Volcano Jet). Not a bad seat in tub & a new line of Rock cabinet (Beautiful) . So far so good . Dealer LCL spa's in Winnipeg has been Fantastic to this point .
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