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  1. How does cedar skirting compare with the new acrylic-type skirting? We live in a harsh, cold winter climate, and summers are usually hot and dry. This is what one of the dealers emailed me: "The vinyl skirts unfortunately come only with a full foam spa insulated with half pound foam specially made for warm weather. Additional heat from the pumps is not available and fans are required to cool off the pumps to prevent over heating in the summer. Full foam supports the weight of the water and holds the lines in place only. Open cavity spas seem to worth more as trade in tubs in the future because they are more servicable. We support the plumbing lines with a coat of 3 pound foam."
  2. What is the wiggle room for prices on hot tubs? I've been to two places already, and they give me their regular price, and then the "special" price. Is there more room for negotiating after that, in you experience? I don't want to get hosed! Haven't got a clue how this works....
  3. Hi Stephen, We too are looking for our first spa. We have been to Sundance on 170th, and were quoted around 11,000 for a Hamilton. We also went to Sunray Spas which are made locally here in Edmonton. We were looking at the Canadian model, quoted for 7999 plus all the extras that they never tell you about, looking around 10,000. Sunray DOES do delivery and set up, perhaps they don't do it for out of area customers. Looking at differences between cedar skirting vs the manmade materials at Sundance. Have you made any decisions yet? I'm curious as to how much you can negotiate with the dealers. Sundance doesn't seem to have much wiggle room or want my business as much as Sunray does. I got the factory tour of Sunray, which was impressive, but to me, I haven't a clue anyways! LOL.
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