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Everything posted by keene3b07

  1. okay so i have a pool that has no vaccuum in it. The main drains are in the shallow end of the pool right below the skimmer. All of the suction is going through the skimmer and the pool has been having algae problems despite proper chlorination, algaecides, and cleaning the filter. I am wondering if this could be caused by water at the bottom of the pool not getting circulated properly.re i realize that there may be some "updraft" but i dont think that there is enough. i dont know please help thank you
  2. Hello, my parents vaccuum and hoses turned purple recently and i am wondering why. I put the poolRX system in there pool and was maybe wandering if that had something to do with it. however i have put the poolrx system in 20 of my accounts and have had nothing but great results. help is appreciated. thank you
  3. isnt the other purpose of a weir to keep debris inside the skimmer basket so that they dont float back in to the pool once the pump is turned off and theres no suction keeping debris in the skimmer?
  4. i own a pool service route. I am not familiar with these lights that have a spinning color wheel in them. However i have one customer who has a light with the color wheel but it doesn't work, even though new bulbs are in, i am wondering if it needs a remote to activate the colorwheel or something. Then i have another customer that has a regular light but wants to add the colorwheel to it. my question is whether or not this is possible or if he needs a whole new light fixture because the color wheel has a motor and stuff. i dont know please help if you know anything about these kind of lights. Thanks in advance.
  5. i am just wondering if anybody has read "the millionaire pool man" by charles baird. i am interested in buying it and wanted opinions, its a couple hundred bucks so i want to make sure its worth it.
  6. Hi i was wondering if anybody has used the pool RX. It is supposed to reduce chemical usage by up to 75% by adding the pool RX to the pump basket, and it releases zinc copper and silver into the pool. Supposedly it makes for a crystal clear pool with very little maintenance. I am just curious for your opinions on this product. Thank you.
  7. can anybody tell me, how many ppm of fc a tablet adds too a swimming pool, and how many ppm a gallon of liquid chlorine adds to a pool. And for how long each of these last in a pool during the summer time. I read a lot on this board about Polyquat 60, is that the best or the cheapest algaecide on the market? the current algaecide i use is called knock-out and it requires that you shock the pool in addition to using the algaecide. Thank you guys for your help.
  8. Hi i am new to the forum, and was curious if anybody could help me. Last year i took over a pool route that my parents had run for about 20 years. The first summer was very stressfull, constantly fighting algae despite very high levels of chlorine. My parents only suggestion was to keep using more chlorine and alaecide's and clean the filters, however this is very expensive ( some pools i am adding 8 3 in tri-chlor tabs a week plus di-chlor and algaecides). So i have been trying to do some research on pool chemistry to make the business less stressfull and more profitable. I believe that the problem i am having is that in almost all my pools the CYA is very very high,(my test tube only goes to 100 but it is well above that). It appears that the only solution to the problem is to switch to liquid chlorine, however i dont know how practical this is because how bulky liquid jugs are, and the fact that i only go to a pool once a week. I do not know very much about liquid chlorine, so if anybody has any advice about switching from tri-chlor to liquid ( or perhaps a hybrid) i would appreciate it very much. By the way i run about 50 pools a week, in a very very hot summer climate. -Andrew
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