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Everything posted by Paul

  1. that's what I'llbe doing - buying the spa i want (SD Optima or Master LSX) and having a contractor put it in the ground. thanks for the advice
  2. that's what i am paying (or 9300 w/o stereo), incl cover, cover lifter, ozonator, wood steps, delivery, set up etc
  3. I have a question: Sundance Optima has 2 pumps at 2.5 HP continuous/3.9 break, and a third pump for the air jets at 1.5 HP Master advertises the 800 and LSX having two 6.0 HP pumps and a third 4.5 HP pump (for the airjets, i assume). I also assume these are not continuous horsepower figures, and can't find those specs on the Master website. Does anyone know the continuous HP numbers for the Master 800/LSX pumps? Also, someone told me that the advantage of the smaller 3rd pump in the SD is that it's much quieter, whereas the advantage of the more powerful 3rd jet in the Master is stronger jets from more force of air. Any opinions on that one? Thanks for sharing your knowledge, wisdom and experience
  4. I am torn between the Master LSX or 800 (could not wet test LSX) and Sundance Optima/Cameo. The price is about the same. The Master 800 felt better on my bad back that requires lots of pressure (I could only wet test the 800 so I couldn't try the extreme therapy seat, but what power!), but my local SD dealer is established and I feel like they will be here to help out, whereas w/ Master I would be on my own (brand new dealer, rented some space in a warehouse, etc, does not seem to be an ongoing business). I am NOT a handyman, have no patience to try to fix things myself, and leave maintenance to my girlfriend, who is no handyman herself. I feel like, if there is a problem, the local Sundance dealer will be there to help, If I have questions or problems with the Master and the dealer diasappears, does such an established brand have warranty service people available (I am told Sundance has one where I live), so that the dealer continued existence really doesn't matter?
  5. Help! I am trying to choice between a reputable dealer/manufacturer and spas from other companies but feel better to me. Comfort/Feel: Master and Diamante I just tested a Master LS 750. I really liked the strength of the jets I have arthritis in my back, and the pain is relieved only by very strong pressure (usually from my girlfriend or a massage therapist very forcefully driving an elbow or knee into a trigger point), so the power of the Master felt great. But I am uncomfortable with the brand b/c the local dealer recently had a very misleading sales event. He rented a small convention hall, and advertised it in the local paper as a "Spa Blowout" at which many different manfacturers would be displaying their product. When I went there, only Master Spas were being displayed, and by salepeople who did not know a thing about the product and would not write a price down on a piece of paper. I also felt very good and great power in a Dianate Phantom Supreme. But my concern is that the local dealer for them gets slammed very hard by every other dealer (they all do it to each other, but the Diamante dealer gets it the worst). Also, the Diamante website has been down, so when I called the manufacturer to ask why, they said it was "because of the LA blackout a few weeks ago." I know from a techie friend that this cannot be true. When I asked the local dealer, he told me that he also asked the manufacturer about it, and was told it was b/c "they forgot to pay the $75 monthly fee." Ture or false, that answer was troubling. Reputation an Dealer: Hot Springs I've twice wet tested an HS Envoy. It seems well built and felt quite good, but I didn't care for the double Moto Jets, and it just didn't seem to have the power on my back of the other 2, or the same ability to divert to get that power in one seat. But HS seems to be the only reputable manufacturer who builds a high quality spa sold locally in Vegas. (The other dealers sell Master, Coast, Cal, Elite and, Diamante. Marquis and D1 are not sold locally. So do I go with the reputable brand/dealer (Hot Springs), or one of the ones that felt better (Diamante or Master)???? Thanks for any advice.
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