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Everything posted by MartW

  1. Hi, I have EXACTLY the same problem - could you let me know where you got a replacement - and was it in the UK? Thanks
  2. Exceptional find, that's likely as close as you're going to get, now that you know it's called the ultra-blaster, you can find it in several places on the internet. The part number on the Master Spa peice is 26750-1, but it's almost certainly custom to them. If you were ordering them I'd just order 2 and replace them both so they match. Personally, I'd just take out the "diffuser" (if you can call it that) it just threads out. Then you can dry it out and glue it back together on the table and then thread it back in once it's dry. I'm not sure what kind of plastic it is or what glue would be best. I'd probably try some really good CA (superglue) from a hobby shop. I can get you a picture of an assembled one if it would help (or you can just thread out your other one to use for comparison.) Chris W
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