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Everything posted by the_scum1

  1. Day two and all looks well. The purple stains are gone. That was scary though.
  2. Well here in Texas my bill is about 500 for a 2300 sq ft house and run my pull pump 8 hrs a day. I keep the ac at about 77 degrees. The cost per kwh has increased dramatically this year. I blame the ac more than the pool. I'm not sure how everyones electricity is billed but we are deregulated so I have choices. I just locked in at 15.6 cents per kwh and lowered my bill about 100 dollars a month. My variable rate at my old company was up to 20 cents per KWH.
  3. Ok so it has rained a lot so I just went out and sprinkled some shock around the pool perimeter. Soon as I finished I looked around and wherever the shock touched the plaster(diamondbrite) it was a purplish black color. I tried a bit of scrubbing but it din not help at all. I took some water in to my local pool supply and everything came up good(no high copper or iron) and everything else was fine. I went ahead and bought some RAM METAL HOLD. On top of that my pump motor capacitor went out and I can't get a new one until later this week. I went ahead and added the metal hold though because I was afraid of letting the stain set. It seemed to work well in the shallow areas and those stains faded fairly well. Have you ever had similar problems? Where could the metals have come from? I have not fertilized recently(I never use fert with iron in it), I have used a copper algaecide but that was weeks ago and I have shocked several times since then. Any ideas? I look forward to this forum and I'm glad i found it. I have a 17k gallon inground pool that is 5 years old
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