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    Virginia Beach
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    mountain bikes, surfing, fixing stuff.

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  1. EXCELLENT!!! our local pool supply places don't seem to have a readily available supply of the barbed fittings. do you have a preferred online supplier for this sort of equipment? great info. thanks for all the help so far.
  2. the current setup uses 6ft. suction and return lines. I'm estimating the new location to be around 20-25ft. max with all the "extra" routing. but yeah, lots of 90's and 45's. I haven't seen flex at longer lengths than 6ft. at the shop. have you ever coupled flex hose to extend the length? how about burying it? trying to tidy up a bit. the current motor is 1HP at 12A. how do you know how much power you need to maintain proper flow with PVC routing? just pulled the motor apart this afternoon. whines a bit. the front bearing's a little crunchy. are these easy to replace? I have a puller, but is this is the sort of thing I can pickup at a pool shop, or even have them remove and install them?
  3. Hello all, first post here on what looks like a great forum for q&a. I'm considering relocating the pump and filter on a 24ft. round above ground pool. I'm no plumber or electrician but have done a little of each, and seems like it'd be a pretty straight forward deal. quick reading tells me I may have a few issues to be concerned with before I begin, though. 1.) the length of the power cable run 2.) increasing the length of the suction and return lines. my general plan is to replace the flex hose with PVC, burying most of it, adding maybe 15-20ft. total to the runs. then, extending the power box by about another 20ft. or so. it's probably already about 20ft. on a converted inside to outside box. it's a 20A circuit, I believe, with minimal additional load -- lights, I think that are rarely powered. the outside receptacle is a 20A GFCI, and I think the existing wire run is 12gauge in a buried Carlon conduit. not sure of the pump specs, but will return with them later. it's pretty loud right now and may require replacing anyway -- probably worn bearing; haven't had a chance to pull it apart yet. how long do these things generally last? it get cold and rainy here in the winter, but rarely freezing. I didn't bring it in or cover it last year anyone see any problems here? also, is Carlon conduit just flexible pvc? can I use some wirenuts and their coupling with some regular PVC primer & glue? I'm thinking I'd be better pulling a fresh cable run from the box on the back of the house. thanks in advance. Scott G. Virginia Beach
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