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  1. hello, I just broke my snaps doing the same thing. Is there something else I can do without cutting the strap? It seems as though there should be a piece that you could clip to the loop on the strap, and then insert into the thing on the side wall of the tub... also, the picture is gone, I am guessing that the strap was cut, the piece added, then the strap resewn....
  2. Hello, thank you again for the all the info I've read here. We wet tested a couple sundance spa's and my initial enthusiasm disappeared because it wasn't what I thought it would be. However, thanks to some encouragement here, we wet tested a Hot springs and a caldera and decided to get the hs vista. My question is, I can't tell which comes first - the electrician or the spa? I asked the dealer and the electrician (they have worked together in the past), but am still confused. Our tentative plan is to put it on a spa pad, then build a flat deck around it which would cover the electrical wiring. I don't know if the wiring will have to be buried or not. thanks in advance for any ideas.
  3. Hello, Thank you in advance for all the information I've gathered from this forum. I am debating about getting a hot tub, initially I was very enthusiastic about it, I love to sit in warm, bubbling water. My husband was not interested in one, but willing to accomodate me. As per the advice of this forum, we just wet tested two Sundance tubs, the Marin and the Vista, from a reliable dealer nearby. Now, he is more enthusiastic than I am. I floated right out of both loungers and had difficulty finding a place where I didn't have to brace myself in some manner (I am 5 feet, 3 inches). I know (from this forum) to go and test other manufacturers and will do so. There is an 2007 Altimar available, which I think is the tub we may go with. The pricing for the 2007 model is appealing, however I read somewhere here that the 2008 model introduces a synthetic base and moisture barrier. So, I am questioning if this is a valuable improvement or not. Does the base rot out on these tubs? They are covered.....???? The price difference is at least 1,000, not including the fact that the 08 will not include steps, cover, etc (although I imagine that when the 07's are gone, the 08 package will improve....) Thoughts, idea's? thank you in advance
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