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  1. Sorry for the bad post. I have the same Jandy heater and it is about 2 years old as well. They replaced it out of the shoot because the first one did not work. I have been taken through the same process with them blaming it multiple times on pressure. I had a plumber in large my gas line and the gas company bring out the largest meter. I had it working for several months to my knowledge at least the 3 or 4 times I tried it. Recently I had it running for several hours and it heated but suddenly stopped and now won't ignite. Your Jandy friends are coming out again tues. but am doubtful I will get anything more than a bill and the same old answer. My pool builder stopped returning calls early on in the process so he is of no use. I was told this was a great heater but it appears to stink. I will try these couple of things listed. It sounds like this particular heater has issues.
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